Page 408 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 408

IPS173 Yuki U.
                      One of its recent developments, for instance, is in the annual business
                  register, which provides, every year, information and an up-to-date database
                  of all establishments and enterprises in Japan, the results of which are used to
                  compile accurate economic statistics.
                      With more frequent selection of samples from a population using stratified
                  sampling,  the  Tankan  will  more  accurately  capture  changes  in  population
                  enterprises  and  their  business  models  in  a  more  timely  manner,  including
                  those changes occurring via the entry of foreign enterprises into the domestic
                  market. By reflecting those changes upon selecting sample enterprises, and
                  maintaining high statistical accuracy, the Bank will be able to more accurately
                  represent the business activities of enterprises in Japan.

                  4.  Concluding Remarks
                      In this paper, challenges to capture changing business trends in a timely
                  manner  have  been  discussed.  With  enterprises  expanding  their  overseas
                  business activities, their domestic  strategies are likely moving from a  non-
                  consolidated  basis  to  a  consolidated  basis.  However,  the  Tankan  as  it  is,
                  conducts surveys on a non-consolidated basis in order to accurately assess
                  domestic economy, its main aim. To capture changes in business trends more
                  accurately and timely, it is increasingly important to include overseas business
                  activities in the survey.
                      The revisions, introduction of a new survey category regarding overseas
                  business activities, the addition of R&D investment to the survey items, and
                  enhancement of the exchange rate survey, allow the Bank to more accurately
                  capture  the  business  environment  of enterprises  in  Japan  as  well  as  those
                  overseas  business  activities,  enabling  users  of  the  Tankan  to  analyze  the
                  linkages  between  changes  in  domestic  business  activities  and  overseas
                  business activities in a timely manner. Along with further considerations for
                  more frequent sample extraction through stratification, the Tankan will be able
                  to capture changes in domestic economy more accurately and in a more timely

                  8  For further details about the business register, please refer to Ministry of Internal Affairs and
                  Communications and the Ministry of Economy,
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