Page 456 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 456

IPS177 Sayako K. M. et al.

                                Progress in Japan to implement the DGI-2 on
                                  securities statistics and institutional sector
                                      Sayako Konno Mizuno, Haruko Kato
                                            Bank of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
                  With the launch of the second phase of the Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-2) in
                  2015,  the  Bank  of  Japan  (BOJ)  has  initiated  various  measures  in  order  to
                  compile the financial data sets necessary for implementing recommendations
                  II.7  on  securities  statistics  and  II.8  on  institutional  sector  accounts.  These
                  measures utilize Japan’s Flow of Funds Accounts (FFA) as the underlying data
                  source and also explore complementary data sources.
                  With  respect  to  recommendation  II.7  on  securities  statistics,  this  paper
                  introduces our initiatives to compile issuing data with breakdown information
                  on debt securities by sector as DGI-2 intermediate target data. The BOJ plans
                  to investigate new data sources, such as microdata or the disaggregated data
                  of debt securities. This data allows classification of debt securities according
                  to the currency type, interest rate, maturity (original or remaining), and issuer’s
                  market and are not available solely from the FFA.
                  With respect to recommendation II.8 on institutional sector accounts, the BOJ
                  —  using  new  data  sources  and  methodology  —  looks  at  the  feasibility  of
                  compiling  the  following  data:  (1)  loans  and  debt  securities  classified  by
                  currency type and maturity (original and remaining) on both the asset and
                  liability sides of each economic sector; (2) breakdown of foreign securities into
                  three  transaction  items,  i.e.,  foreign  equities,  foreign  debt  securities,  and
                  foreign investment trusts; and (3) breakdown of foreign direct investment into
                  respective transaction items in alignment with the categories of  the DGI-2
                  template. Of these issues, this paper introduces our initiatives relating to (2)
                  above and the tentative results of foreign debt securities. We are still in the
                  early  stages  in  terms  of  achieving  the  recommendation;  however,  the
                  preliminary results of the time-series data show some trends and features of
                  foreign  debt  securities  held  by  respective  economic  sectors.  Towards  the
                  completion of the DGI-2 by 2021, we will continue to work on the remaining
                  issues  for  both  securities  statistics  and  institutional  sector  accounts,  while
                  taking into consideration factors such as data quality, respondent burden, and
                  data collection processes.

                  Flow of Funds Accounts; DGI-2; Securities statistics; Institutional sector

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