Page 457 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 457

IPS177 Sayako K. M. et al.
            1.  Introduction
                Following the financial crisis of 2008, which highlighted the data gaps in
            economic and financial statistics, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank
            Governors  endorsed  the  Data  Gaps  Initiative  (DGI)  in  2009,  listing  20
            recommendations  for  future  statistical  improvements.  Currently,  G20
            economies and some non-G20 FSB member jurisdictions have been working
            to  advance  the  implementation  of  the  second  phase  of  the  DGI  (DGI-2)
            recommendations, which are due for completion by 2021. Accordingly, the
            Bank  of  Japan  (BOJ)  is  implementing  initiatives  enabling  better  analysis  of
            economic and financial movements. This paper focuses on our progress on
            the recommendations II.7 on securities statistics and II.8 on institutional sector
            accounts.  Section  2  outlines  our  progress  in  accessing  new  data  sources,
            methodology  and  preliminary  outputs  for  securities  statistics.  Section  3
            introduces our progress in compiling the institutional sector accounts with
            partial outputs. Finally, section 4 concludes.

            2.  Securities Statistics
            2.1 Requirements
                Recommendation  II.7  on  securities  statistics  requests  reporting  of
            issuance,  holdings  and  from-whom-to-whom  securities  statistics  to  the
            BIS. 1,2,3 This section focuses on our development of issuing data corresponding
            to the intermediate target data for which economies are required to report
            2018 data in alignment with their publicly made commitments, by May 2019
            at the latest. More specifically, the intermediate target data focus on debt
            securities issued by residents at the nominal values which are classified by
            issuing  sector,  currency  (domestic,  foreign),  maturity  (original,  remaining),
            interest rate (fixed, variable), and market (domestic, international).

            1   This  recommendation  requests  G-20  economies  "provide  on  a  quarterly  frequency,  debt
            securities issuance data to the BIS consistent with the Handbook on Security Statistics (HSS)
            starting with sector, currency, type of interest rate, original maturity and, if feasible, market of
            issuance. Reporting of holdings of debt securities and the sectorial from-whom-to-whom data
            prescribed for SDDS Plus adherent economies would be a longer term objective."
            2 G-20  DGI  templates  are  available  from  Principal  Global  Indicator’s  website
            3   The Securities Statistics data consist of three reporting templates: (1) reporting template 1
            presents debt securities issues statistics by sector, currency, maturity, type of interest rate, and
            by market of issuance; (2) reporting template 2 presents debt securities holdings statistics by
            holding sector, residence of issuer, currency, maturity, type of interest rate, and by market of
            issuance; and (3) reporting template 3 presents from-whom-to-whom debt securities issues and
            holdings statistics by residence and sector of issuers and by residence and sector of holders.
            Template 1 has three tables: tabl   e  1.1  for  stock  at  nominal  value;  table  1.2  for  stock  at
            market value; and table 1.3 for net transactions at market value.
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