Page 258 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 258

IPS236 Ksenija D. et al.
                  constructed  using  a  number  of  indicators  impacting  the  e-commerce  for
                  individuals. Dumičić, Skoko Bonić & Žmuk (2018) conducted statistical analysis
                  of  nine  development  indicators’  impacting  the  Internet  purchases  by
                  individuals, defined as a share of individuals who made a purchase by using
                  the Internet in the last 12 months in the total population of a country for 2013.
                  Further, variety of development indicators influences special forms of internet
                  purchases were analysed, too. So, online banking analysis, given in Dumičić,
                  Čeh  Časni  &  Palić  (2015),  includes  variety  of  multivariate  analysis,  while
                  development  indicators  impacts  on  online  booking  for  travel  and
                  accommodation  is  presented  in  Žmuk,  Dumičić  &  Mihajlović  (2014),  and
                  Dumičić,  Žmuk  &  Čeh  Časni  (2015),  showing  separate clusters  of  European
                  countries. Žmuk & Mihajlović (2018), paid attention to position of the Western
                  Balkan  countries  within  Europe  regarding  online  booking  influenced  by
                  economic and digital development level indicators. Nagy (2016) explored e-
                  commerce on Hungarian market, and Nagy (2017) compared Hungarian and
                  Ukrainian digital economy and society. A number of visualised digital economy
                  impacts  of  various  aspects  of  customer  behaviour  is  given  in  Consumer
                  Barometer, as given at CB (2017).
                      In this paper, a trend analysis for Y2017IntOrderGoods, over the period 2007 to
                  2018, follows. The added indicators have been as follows: X1_GDPpcPPS, Level of
                  internet access for households, given as Percentage of households who have
                  internet access at home, for the population aged 16 to 74, and (X3_DigitalSkill).
                  The research hypotheses state, firstly, that a positive correlation exists between
                  Y2017IntOrderGoods and each of three included explanatory indicators, so that clear
                  clusters of countries could be created; and there are increased motivation and
                  opportunities for statistical societies to act in digitalised and globalised World
                  by improved communication when promoting statistical and digital related
                  improvements  in  education,  knowledge,  literacy  and  skills.  Performed
                  statistical  data  description,  performed  correlation,  regression  and  cluster
                  analysis, helped testing these hypothesis.

                  2.  Methodology
                      After investigation on the recent official data availability, Eurostat (2019),
                  the following indicators have been analysed:

                        Y2017IntOrderGoods  -  Percentage  of  individuals aged 16-74,  who  use  the
                         internet for ordering goods or services, being Digital Society related
                         indicator and the main variable of the interest in this study;
                        X1_GDPpcPPS - GDP per capita in PPS, Index, EU-28 = 100;
                        X2_AccHome  -  Percentage  of  households  who  have  internet  access  at
                         home, for the population aged 16 to 74, also called Level of internet
                         access for households; and

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