Page 261 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 261

IPS236 Ksenija D. et al.
            for  X2_AccHome  (CV=10.14%).  Regardless  the  high  outlier  for  the  variable
            X1GDPpcPPS for Ireland, with standardized value of ZIE= 2.86, it was remained for
            the further analysis. The same moderate low extremes were found for FYR of
            Macedonia and Serbia (ZMK= ZRS= -1.56).
            The correlation matrix for 31 countries in 2017, Table 2, shows correlations
            between all the pairs of variables under consideration, being all positive and

            Table 2. Correlation matrix, for n=31 countries and 2017
                                   Y2017IntOrderGoods   X1_GDPpcPPS   X2_AccHome   X3_DigitalSkill
            Y2017IntOrderGoods          1.0000
            X1_GDPpcPPS                 0.7654      1.0000
            X2_AccHome                  0.9027      0.8129      1.0000
            X3_DigitalSkill             0.9166      0.6852      0.8471        1.0000
            Source: Eurostat data, Authors’ creation.

                 The OLS MLR modelling was performed for 31 countries in 2017. Among
            several  models  built  and  tested  for  validity  regarding  explanation  the
            dependent  variable,  Y2017IntOrderGoods,  the  following  two  multiple  regression
            models were fully developed and interpreted: In MLR Model 1, for explanation
            the dependent variable, Y2017IntOrderGoods, two independent variables were used:
            X1_GDPpcPPS and X3_DigitalSkill; In MLR Model 2, for explanation the dependent
            variable, Y2017IntOrderGoods, two independent variables were used: X2_AccHome and
            X3_DigitalSkill.  The estimated Model 1 looks as given in (3):

                ̂ 2017  = −27.86 + 0.17 · 1   + 1.14  · 3     ,
                  ̂ = 7.683;  = 0.936;  = 0.876;  = 0.867; = 98.58; = 31         (3)
                 For one index point increase in the variable GDP per capita in PPS, Index,
            EU28 = 100, X1_GDPpcPPS, with the other independent variable unchanged, the
            regression value of Y2017IntOrderGoods, would increase by 0.17 percentage points.
            For  one  percentage  point  increase  in  the  variable  X3_DigitalSkill,  having  the
            remaining independent variable fixed, the regression value of Y2017IntOrderGoods
            would increase by 1.14 percentage points.
                 The F-Test for overall regression, with p-value=2.12E-13, shows statistical
            significance of the whole Model 1 at even 1% significance level. Coefficient of
            determination R  tells that 87.6% of the total sum of squares is explained. The
            individual  two-sided  t  -Tests,  shows  that  variable  X1_GDPpcPPS  is  statistically
            significant at 1% significance level (p-value=0.009). The variable X3_DigitalSkill is
            statistically significant at 1% significance level (p-value=8.52E-09). No model
            assumptions violation is present.

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