Page 260 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 260

IPS236 Ksenija D. et al.
                  Table 1. Descriptive statistics, for n=31 selected European countries in 2017
                                 Y2017IntOrderGoods   X1_GDPpcPPS  X2_AccHome  X3_DigitalSkill
                                     (percentage)     (Index, EU-28   (percentages)  (percentages)
                                                        = 100)
                      Count                       31           31           31            31
                      Mean                     47.48        87.10        82.61         53.61
                      Standard                  3.78         5.90         1.50          2.46
                      Standard                 21.05        32.84         8.38         13.70
                      Coeff. of               44.33%       37.71%       10.14%        25.55%
                      Range                       69          145           31            50
                      Minimum                     13           36           67            29
                      Maximum                     82          181           98            79
                      1st quartile                32           67           77            46
                      median                      46           82           82            54
                      3rd quartile                61          108           88            61
                      interquartile               29           42           12            15
                      Mode                        32           75           81            50
                      Kurtosis                  -1.03        0.70        -0.62          -0.53
                      Skewness                 0.068        0.684        0.076         0.035
                      zmin=                ME= -1.64   MK and RS =   BG= -1.86     RO= -1.80
                      zmax=                 UK= 1.64      IE= 2.86    NL= 1.84      NL= 1.85
                   Source: Eurostat, Authors’ creation

                      For EU-28 countries, an increase of the main variable studied, with the
                  linear trend slope of 2.73 percentage points yearly over 2007 to 2018, and
                  99.50% of  total variation explained by the model is shown in Figure1.  It is
                  visible  that  the  percentage  of  individuals  ordering  goods  and  services
                  increased  from  30%  in  2017  to  60%  in  2018.  According  to  e-commerce
                  statistics  for  individuals,  Eurostat  (2019),  data  for  the  EU-28  countries,
                  Montenegro,  FYR  of  Macedonia  and  Serbia,  sorted  downward  by  the
                  percentage of  those who purchased online, and this was compared to the
                  percentage  of  those  who  used  the  Internet  in  the  same  period  in  2018.
                  Denmark leads with 98% for those who purchased online within the last 12
                  months, and 84% for those who used the Internet within the last 12 months
                  with. Montenegro is with 12% at the bottom for those who purchased online
                  within,  while  for  the  percentage  of  those  who  used  the  Internet  Bulgaria
                  appeared with 67% as being at the bottom.
                      All four variables, Y2017IntOrderGoods, X1_GDPpcPPS, X2_AccHome and
                  X3_DigitalSkill, were explored and described statistically, Table 1. The highest
                  variability  of  data  over  31  countries  is  calculated  for  Y2017IntOrderGoods,  with
                  Coefficient of variation of CV=44.33%, and the lowest variability was noticed

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