Page 474 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 474

IPS355 Jean-Louis B.
                  Statistical Conferences. Prof. Stuart Arthur Rice played a fantastic role in this
                  committee; he played a leading role in reactivating  the ISI from 1945 onwards,
                  in particular in drafting new statutes and his invaluable efforts were recognized
                  by his election as ISI President in 1947 . At the same time, he chaired the UN
                  nuclear session held in October 1946 at Hunter College in New York which
                  made recommendations for the composition and terms of an UN Statistical
                  Commission  (UNSC). According to J. W. Nixon, three names have stood out
                  the history of the ISI, Adolphe Quételet with the foundation of the ISC in 1853,
                  Franz von Neumann-Spallart who drafted the first ISI Statutes in 1885 and
                  Stuart Arthur Rice
                     Influencing governmental statistical agencies by encouraging uniformity in
                  statistical definitions and data collection was certainly one of the main roles of
                  the ISI before the 1  Word war, but after 1945, this role was taken over by the
                  UN.  The  mission  of  the  ISI  became  international  communication  among
                  statisticians  rather  than  among  governments,  international  promotion  and
                  development  of  research,  statistical  capacity  and  good  practice  across  all
                  statistical domains. ISI has had consultative status with the UN Economic and
                  Social Council since 1949 and therefore with the UN Statistical Commission.
                  Similar links may be identified with regional and specialized UN bodies, such
                  as the Conference of European Statisticians which is a subsidiary body of the
                  UN  Economic  Commission  for  Europe  in  Geneva,  FAO,  ILO,  UNESCO  and
                      After Stuart A. Rice, many ISI leaders were not only involved with the ISI as
                  Presidents or other leading role, including within the ISI associations/sections,
                  but also chaired the UNSC or the Conference of European Statisticians, e.g.
                  Petter  Jacoj  Bjerve  (Norway),  Prasanta  Chandra  Mahalanobis  (India),  Rao
                  (India), Mikhail Antonovitch Korolev (USSR), Vera Nyitrai (Hungary), Edmond
                  Malinvaud (France), or more recently William Begeer (the Netherlands), Carlos
                  Jarque  (Mexico),  or  Shigeru  Kawasaki  (Japan).  Sir  Harry  Campion(UK)  is
                  another example: after helping setting up the UNSD and was its first head, he
                  also chaired the UNSC in 1951 and 1952 and was ISI President from 1963 to

                  9  Stuart A. Rice also initiated in 1940 the Inter American Statistical Institute (IASI) which still
                  exists today and is the most active regional society affiliated to the ISI.
                  10  Stuart A. Rice was re-elected ISI President in 1949 and 1951 and elected Honorary President
                  in 1953
                    The UN Statistical Commission held its 50th session this year (2019) at the UN Headquarters
                  in New York
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