Page 473 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 473

IPS355 Jean-Louis B.
               Another controversy arose during 13  ISI session in The Hague when the
            General Assembly decided to create a Permanent Office, precisely in this city.
            An ad hoc Committee was appointed and its rapporteur, the French Lucien
            March,  wrote  that  our  institute  cannot  remain  an  exclusively  academic
            institution, while the movement of ideas and activities gives rise to ever more
            pressing needs for statistical information. Some participants announced “the
            suicide of our Society” since they feared that “the setting-up of a permanent
            office  would  limit  the  independence  of  the  ISI”  (it  was  expected  that  the
            operating costs of the permanent office would be covered by government
            contributions). Fortunately, the existence of this office prevented the ISI from
            exploding during the First World War: it was located in the Netherlands which
            was a neutral country, but the President and one vice-president were from
            allied countries while one other vice-president was German.
               This role played by ISI could have changed when the League of Nations
            (SDN) was set up after the signing of the Treaty of Peace in Versailles in 1919.
            One of its first acts was to appoint an International Statistical Commission
            which  met  in  Paris  in  October  1920  with  significant  ISI  participation .  This
            collaboration gave rise to difficult discussions; some ISI members believed that
            a  learned  society  should  not  have  to  work  with  an  intergovernmental
            organization on pain of losing its scientific freedom. Another point of view,
            expressed by Willcox, ISI Vice-president from 1923 to 1947, was that during
            this period the role of the ISI was that of a "semi-governmental" body. My
            impression is that these problems have weakened the role of the ISI vis-à-vis
            the official statistics between the two World Wars, but without compromising
            its role as a forum for research in probability and mathematical statistics (e.g.
            the paper on theory of tests presented by Jerzy Neyman during the 22  ISI
            session in London in 1934). The outbreak of the 2  Word War (1939) created
            a new crisis in the affairs of the ISI. The 24  session convened in Prague in
            September 1938 closed prematurely because of Hitler’s ultimatum sent to the
            Czechoslovak government. The occupation of the Netherlands by the German
            forces put an end to all ISI activities; fortunately, the ISI office and its archives
            were transferred to the Peace Palace which was an exterritorial place.
               After the creation of the United Nations in October 1945, it was decided to
            create the UN Statistical Division (UNSD) at the UN Headquarters. Otherwise,
            the US government had invited five years ago the ISI to hold its 25  session in
            Washington, DC, in 1940. Of course it was not possible to organize it. But the
            Arrangements Committee set up in 1939 for that session merged with the UN,
            the ISI and other bodies into an Arrangements Committee for International

            7  The League of Nations is best known by its French acronym: SDN (for Société des Nations)
              This Commission was chaired by the ISI President Luigi Bodio (Italy) and its Vice-president
            Albert Delatour (France).
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