Page 478 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 478

IPS355 Jean-Louis B.
                      new landmarks, to serve as a framework in which to fulfill their duties.
                      Such references were maybe not so different from the strictly technical
                      point of view, but totally different where the concept itself of the role of
                      statisticians in the society was concerned. The reaction of the statistical
                      community  to  this  concern  was  very  rapid.  The  Bureau  of  the  UN
                      Conference  of  European  Statisticians  (CES)  decided  to  organize  a
                      consultation and a workshop during the first semester of 1990 [8]. The ISI
                      appointed a representative to the working group  that was created to
                      prepare a document to be submitted to the CES. The terms of reference
                      of the working group asked it to take into account «in particular the work
                      done by the ISI on ethical guidelines for statisticians". The result of this
                      work  was  the  “Fundamental  Principles  of  Official  Statistics”  that  was
                      endorsed by the 39  session of the CES in April 1992 then adopted by
                      one of the Conference’s parent body, the UN Economic Commission for
                      Europe, during its 47  plenary session in April of 1992. Shortly after, it was
                      recognized  that  these  Principles  have  a  universal  value  and  a  global
                      significance. Following an international consultation process, a milestone
                      in  the  history  of  international  statistics  was  reached  when  the  UN
                      Statistical Commission (UNSC) at its Special Session in April 1994 adopted
                      the very same set of principles – with a revised preamble – as the UN
                      Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. At its 42  session in 2011, the
                      UNSC acknowledged that the Principles were still as relevant today as they
                      had been in the past and that no revision of the ten Principles themselves
                      was necessary. The Commission recommended, however, updating the
                      preamble in order to take into account new developments since 1994 and
                      adopted the revised preamble at its 44 session in 2013. In July 2013 the
                      UN  Economic  and  Social  Council  adopted  the  Principles  on  UNSC
                      recommendation and, pursuant to its recommendation, the UN General
                      Assembly,  in  its  resolution  68/261  of  29  January  2014,  endorsed  the
                      Fundamental  Principles  of  Official  Statistics  [9].  The  ISI  played  an
                      important role in the preparation, dissemination and popularization of the
                      Principles  that  are  an  important  work  tool  for  the  Committee  on
                      Professional Ethics, then for the Advisory Ethical Board when instructing
                      specific files. An important number of papers during ISI sessions, then ISI
                      World Statistical Congresses, were prepared and presented.
                  3.5. Official statisticians have long been more than reluctant to engage into
                      the measurement of “sensitive political issues” [10]. For a long time, they
                      considered  that  involving  statistics  in  human  rights  or  democratic
                      governance assessments would endanger their “scientific neutrality”. This

                  14  In addition to the ISI representative, there were representatives of Poland (chair), France
                  (vice chair), Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey.
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