Page 476 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 476

IPS355 Jean-Louis B.
                  These eight recommendations (among over 85 specific recommendations) are
                  still topical forty years after their presentation.
                  3.1. The decade between 1969 and 1979 that ended by the presentation of
                      these recommendations in Manila has seen important changes in the ISI
                           After  1975,  it  was  decided  that  the  term  of  ISI  Presidents  will  be
                         limited to two years, but the Presidents will be elected two years before
                         the beginning of their term and serve as President Elect; an Executive
                         Committee and a Council replaced the Bureau.
                          The creation of sections (now associations) was encouraged; among
                         them sections dealing with some aspects of official statistics: in 1973
                         International  Association  of  Survey  Statisticians  (IASS),  in  1985
                         International Associations for Official Statistics (IAOS) and in 1995 the
                         Irving Fisher Committee on Central Banks Statistics. The Presidents of
                         sections may participate in ISI EC and Council meetings as observers.
                         Before the creation of IAOS, there were other ISI sections dealing more
                      or  less  with  official  statistics,  for  instance,  IASS  or  IASC  (International
                      Association for Statistical Computing) Statisticians). These other sections
                      are grouping statisticians interested by the development of methods in
                      their domain. The objective of IAOS was different: several people insisted
                      on giving to this new section the name of International Association for
                      Official Statistics and not International Association of Official Statisticians.
                      That means that we hoped that IAOS would be open not only to official
                      statisticians but also to the users of official statistics and more generally
                      to all those who are interested by the role of statistics in the society. These
                      goals  are  still  very  relevant  after  35  years.  I  was  one  of  the  founding
                      persons  of  IAOS  with  Vera  Nyitray,  President  in  1985  of  the  Központi
                      Statisztikai Hivatal (KSH – Central Bureau of Statistics); she was also happy
                      to create an  independent forum where statisticians  coming from both
                      sides of the Iron Curtain may discuss in a neutral place and a scientific
                  3.2. In  1979,  it  was  decided  to  build  a  set  of  ethical  principles  and  good
                      practices and a committee in charge of preparing an ISI Declaration on
                      Professional  Ethics  [6]  was  established.  One  of  the  first  attempts  to
                      formalise  ethical  rules  was  certainly  the  ASA  Code  of  Conduct  for
                      Statisticians adopted in 1979 by the American Statistical Association under
                      the leadership of W. Edwards Deming (now, after a revision in 1989, the
                      ASA Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice). W. E. Deming was also, with
                      Roger Jowell (UK), one of the promoters of the ISI Committee. These two
                      codes are very general and apply not only to official statisticians but also
                      to the statistical community at large (academic statisticians, researchers,

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