Page 475 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 475

IPS355 Jean-Louis B.
            3.  Presentation  of  some  issues  concerning  official  statistics  that  have
                marked the life of the ISI for the past five decades
                This  chapter  does  not  purport  to  comprehensively  cover  all  areas  of
            intercourse between the ISI and official statistics, but illustrates some of these
                3.1. The ISI General Assembly convened during the 41  ISI Session in Delhi,
            India, in 1977, established a Committee on Future Directions. This committee,
            chaired by Joseph Duncan  presented its report [5] during the 42  session in
            Manila, Philippines. They made the main following recommendations:
               i.   The  fundamental  mission  of  the  ISI  will  be  to  serve  as  the  premier
                   international academy of statisticians with a special focus on asserting
                   a  highly  professional  and  moral  tone  on  statistical  issues  of  wide-
                   spread  public  interest  and  in  promoting  the  development  of  the
               ii.  The ISI of the future will regard the integration of statistics as one of
                   its major objectives
               iii.  The  ISI  will  create  search  committees  in  an  effort  to  extend  its
                   membership  to  the  developing  countries  end  thereby  broaden  the
                   geographic representation of its membership.
               iv.  The professional competence of the ISI membership will be utilized in
                   service  to  international  organizations,  national  governments  and
                   others through an organized program of research and development
                   and  consultation,  and  the  creation  of  the  International  Center  for
                   Research and Development in Statistics.
               v.  Statistical education and training will continue to be a major role of the
                   ISI in the future: the major focus of such activity will shift from the
                   developed to the developing countries.
               vi.  ISI  will  undertake  regional  programs  to  expend  its  influence  in  the
                   developing regions of the world and to recognize the specific needs of
                   the individual regions.
               vii.  ISI will seek to strengthen its sections and integrate their programs into
                   the whole fabric of the Institute.
               viii.  ISI will seek to strengthen its relationship to national statistical societies
                   and ensure that there is a minimum of overlap or duplication in the
                   functions  of  professional  societies  at  the  national  and  international

            12  Joe Duncan was in 1977 – 1979 director of the Office of Federal Statistical Policy and
            Standards, at the US Department of Commerce.
            13  An ad-hoc committee on the integration of statistics was established during the 40th
            session in Warsaw in 1975 and presented its conclusions in the same time as those of the
            Committee on Future Directions in Manila.
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