Page 221 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 221

STS486 R. Ayesha A. et al.
            the  true  level  of  variation  is  at  the  group  level  (Guimarães  and  Lindrooth,
            2007).    Let  be  a  ×  ×  design  array  containing  covariate  information,
            with entries   .  We use   to represent the K-length vector of covariates
            associated with group g and choice j.  The multinomial probabilities   are
            modelled as a function of covariates through a logit formulation. Under the
            random utility framework (McFadden, 1974) with utility function given by the
            right hand side of (1) plus independent errors that follow an extreme value
            distribution, the logit formulation follows directly.

                                  log (     ) =     +  ,
            for   =  1, … ,     =  1, … , , where   is  a  K-length  vector  of  unknown
            regression  coefficients  associated  with  the  covariates  in     and      is  a
            random group effect that accounts for unobservable heterogeneity among
            individuals within a group.
                We  further  make  the  assumption  that  the      ’s  follow  independent
            gamma  distributions with both shape and scale parameters   ,   > 0.
            Under these assumptions, it can be shown that the probabilities  follow a
            Dirichlet  distribution  with  parameters   = (  −1  , … ,   −1  ), where   is
            used  to  quantify  the  overdispersion.    Maximization  of  the  log-likelihood
            provides estimates of β and  . In the special case that  = 0 for all  and ,
            there  is  no  random  group  effect  and  the  DM  model  reduces  to  a  group
            conditional logit model. If, further, there are only group-specific covariates,
            then the model reduces to a standard multinomial logit model.

            Regularized DM regression
                Consider the constant dispersion model in which  =   ∀ . To perform
            variable selection, we add a penalty term to the log-likelihood and proceed by
            minimizing the penalized (negative) log-likelihood function:
                                       ∗ ̃
                                   ℓ ( , ) = − ℓ( ) + ℐ( ),
            where  is an M-length parameter vector for which the first K = M–1 elements
            contain the regression coefficients while the last element is  the dispersion
            parameter , − ℓ( ) is the negative DM likelihood, ℐ( ) is the penalty term,
            and  > 0 is  the  tuning  parameter.    Since  our  main  interest  is  in  a  sparse
            solution where some elements of   are shrunk exactly to zero, we let ℐ( )
            be the L1-norm, which is the standard lasso (Tibshirani, 1996). Within a lasso
            framework,  the  tuning  parameter    determines  the  strength  of  the
            regularization such that smaller values of  correspond to less shrinkage and
            larger values of  lead to sparser solutions.

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