Page 297 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 297

STS544 Paolo F. et al.
               3.  Data description
                   The target variables in our exercise are the Trend Indicator of Output (TIO)
               and quarterly GDP, both measured in real-term year-on-year growth rates. The
               TIO  is  a  monthly  series  that  describes  the  development  of  the  volume  of
               produced output in the economy. It is constructed by using early estimates of
               turnover indexes (not publicly available), which are appropriately weighted to
               form the monthly aggregate index. The TIO is published monthly at t + 45,
               and its value for the third month of a quarter is used to compute the flash
               estimate of GDP, which is also published as an early version at t + 45, and
               updated at t + 60. The t + 60 version is considered as the first official and
               reliable estimate of GDP. Thus, given the information we have provided, the
               TIO in fact represents a GDP nowcast in its own right. We stress the importance
               of using the realistic vintages, as the data is typically "improved" by many
               internal processes, and by the accumulation of new data.
                   The  main  predictors  in  our  nowcasting  application  are  firm-level  sales
               extracted  from  the  sales  inquiry,  a  monthly  survey  conducted  by  Statistics
               Finland for the purposes of obtaining turnovers from the most important firms
               in  the  economy.  This  dataset  covers  around  2,000  enterprises  and
               encompasses      different   industries   (services,   trade,   construction,
               manufacturing), representing ca. 70% of total turnovers. The data is available
               soon after the end of the month of interest and a considerable share of the
               final data is accumulated around 15 to 20 days after the end of the reference
               month. Formally, Statistics Finland imposes a deadline to the firms, which are
               supposed to send their data by the end of the 15th day of the month. We
               compute the nowcast on the 16th day. However, this deadline is not always
               met, thus our set of firms' sales does not cover the entire sample.
                   As alternative source of predictors, we examine traffic loop data for real-
               time estimation purposes, and consider the predictive performance of traffic
               volumes  records  obtained  by  the  Finnish  Transport  Agency  website .  This
               dataset  contains  the  number  of  vehicles  passing  through  a  number  of
               measurement  points,  observed  through  an  automatic  traffic  monitoring
               system. For our nowcasting analysis, we collect data for trucks' traffic volumes,
               in  particular  their  year-on-year  growth  rate  at  the  different  measurement
               points across the country.

               4.  Empirical results
                   The TIO is a monthly indicator of real economic activity. Our nowcasting
               exercise is centered on providing fast estimates for the year-on-year growth
               rate of TIO, starting from March 2012 (the first month for which we have the
               vintage of the data) and ending in December 2018. We start by reporting the

               3  The data is available at

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