Page 294 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 294

STS544 Paolo F. et al.

                              Nowcasting finnish real economic activity: A
                                       machine learning approach
                                    Paolo Fornaro , Henri Luomaranta
                                   1  Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
                                  2  Statistics Finland and University Of Toulouse 1

               We develop a nowcasting framework based on micro-level data in order to
               provide  faster  estimates  of  the  Finnish  monthly  real  economic  activity
               indicator,  the  Trend  Indicator  of  Output  (TIO),  and  of  quarterly  GDP.  In
               particular, we rely on firm-level turnovers, which are available shortly after the
               end of the reference month, to form our set of predictors. The nowcasts are
               obtained  from  a  range  of  statistical  models  and  machine  learning
               methodologies which are able to handle high-dimensional information sets.
               The results of our pseudo-real-time analysis indicate that a simple nowcasts'
               combination based on these models provides faster estimates of the TIO and
               GDP, without increasing substantially the revision error. Finally, we examine
               the nowcasting accuracy obtained by relying on traffic data extracted from the
               Finnish  Transport  Agency  website  and  find  that  using  machine  learning
               techniques  in  combination  with  this  big-data  source  provides  competitive
               predictions of real economic activity.

               Flash Estimates, Machine Learning, Micro-level Data, Nowcasting

               1.  Introduction
                   Statistical  agencies,  central  banks,  research  institutes  and  private
               businesses have access to (and produce) thousands of economic and financial
               indicators.  However,  this  wealth  of  information  has  not  been  directly
               translated into a faster and more accurate production of important economic
               statistics, such as the GDP. Statistical institutes publish economic indicators
               with considerable lag and the initial estimates are revised considerably over
               time. The advantages of having a timely picture of the state of the economy
               are multiple and concern a range of economic actors such as the central bank,
               the government and private investors and businesses. Providing this type of
               information  in  a  timely  manner  would  be  invaluable,  because  it  would
               contribute in reducing the uncertainty of the current state of the economy,
               thus leading to better informed decisions. The economic advantages of having
               a timely picture of the economy have not been disregarded by the statistical
               and academic community.

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