Page 296 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 296

STS544 Paolo F. et al.
               adopted in the exercise does not allow a thorough discussion. Secondly, these
               techniques  have  been  used  in  previous  econometric  or  statistical  studies,
               hence a detailed description would be superfluous. We instead try to give the
               basic  intuition  underlying  some  of  the  main  classes  of  models  used  and
               redirect the interested readers to the original works in which the models we
               employ were originally developed or to some previous applications in which
               these models are adopted.
                   Among  the  most  important  models  considered  in  the  nowcasting
               literature we have the dynamic factor model, in the form of Stock and Watson
               (2002). The basic idea is that a handful of constructed variables, the factors,
               can summarize the information contained in a large dataset. Stock and Watson
               (2002)  have  shown  that  the  factors  can  be  estimated  using  principal
               components.  Factor  models  are  especially  important  in  our  application
               because, in addition to the basic specifications including raw firm-level data
               and traffic data as predictors, we estimate specifications where we utilize latent
               factors (estimated via principal components) as predictors. This is done to see
               whether reducing the noise in our input data improves the performance of the
                   Another  important  class  of  models  we  use  is  shrinkage  regression,  in
               particular the ridge regression, the Lasso (Tibshirani, 1996) and the elastic-net
               (Zou and Hastie, 2005). These main intuition of these models is to regularize
               the coefficients of the predictors, in order to reduce the predictions' variance.
               Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman (2009) provides an in-depth review of these
               models,  while  De  Mol,  Giannone,  and  Reichlin  (2008)  offers  an  economic
               forecasting  application  of  shrinkage  regressions,  with  an  interesting
               comparison with principal components.
                   Our  nowcasts  are  then  based  on  a  large  number  of  machine  learning
               techniques, which are covered extensively in Hastie et al. (2009): boosting,
               regression trees and random forests, regression splines, support and relevance
               vector machines, neural networks and k-nearest neighbors.
                   All the models utilized in our nowcasting exercise are estimated using the
               caret  package  for  R.  Once  considering  specifications  with  different  input
               variables (raw data vs. sets of principal components extracted from the data),
               we arrive at a total of 130 models to estimate. As benchmark model, we utilize
               an automated ARIMA procedure. Moreover, we include in our models set an
               automated  ARIMA  where  we  include  principal  components  as  external

               2  An alternative factors estimator can be found in Doz, Giannone, and Reichlin (2011).

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