Page 295 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 295

STS544 Paolo F. et al.
                   Nowcasting and the production of economic activity indicators in real time
               have  been  the  focus  of  a  growing  literature.  An  early  work  related  to  the
               tracking of economic conditions in real time by creating new high-frequency
               indicator is Aruoba, Diebold, and Scotti (2009). The nowcasting literature is
               interested in estimating an existing economic indicator (usually quarterly GDP
               growth) in real-time. Few examples drawn from the nowcasting literature are
               Giannone, Reichlin, and Small (2008) and Evans (2005) among many others.
                   In  this  study,  we  combine  firm-level  datasets  and  machine  learning
               techniques, as well as traditional statistical models which can deal with large
               datasets, to provide faster estimates of Finnish real economic activity, both at
               the quarterly and monthly frequencies. The monthly series we target is the
               Trend Indicator  of Output (TIO) , published by Statistics Finland, while the
               quarterly series is GDP. For both series we compute nowcasts of the year-on-
               year growth rate. In addition, we examine the predictive power of  a  novel
               dataset  based  on  traffic  volumes'  measurements.  The  use  of  novel  data
               sources,  such  as  firm-level  turnovers  data  and  traffic  measurements,  in
               combination  with  the  use  of  a  wide  array  of  machine  learning  techniques
               provides the main contribution of our study to the nowcasting literature.
                   Our approach of combining predictions obtained by using a large set of
               machine  learning  algorithms,  based  on  firm-level  data,  is  able  to  provide
               accurate estimates of monthly economic activity growth, with revision errors
               that  are  in  line  with  the  ones  of  Statistics  Finland,  while  shortening  the
               publication  lags  by  30  days.  The  resulting  early  estimates  of  the  monthly
               indicator are used to compute three nowcasts of GDP year-on-year growth.
               The first two nowcasts provide good accurancy, even though there are some
               notable revision errors. However, the estimates produced after the end of the
               quarter  are  very  accurate,  while  providing  a  45  days  reduction  in  the
               publication  lag.  We  conduct  a  similar  analysis  using  truck  traffic  volumes'
               measurements,  and  find  satisfactory  results,  albeit  inferior  to  the  ones
               obtained from firm-level data.
                   The remainder of this paper is divided as follows: in Section 2 we discuss
               some  of  the  large  set  of  models  adopted  in  the  analysis,  in  Section  3  we
               describe our target indicators and data sources. In Section 4 we report the
               results and Section 5 concludes.

               2.  Methodological Aspects
                   Given that the main contribution of this study is the use of novel data
               sources, we keep the description of the models adopted brief. This section
               does not cover comprehensively the techniques we use for two reasons: firstly,
               the  sheer  number  of  statistical  models  and  machine  learning  techniques

               1  A description of this indicator is available at

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