Page 422 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 422

STS552 Natalia Nehrebecka
                    Loan type                                                        (0,0011)
                     (PLN vs   (0.00095)   (0.0014)   (0.0014)   (0.0009)   (0.0001)
                      other                                                            1

                               0.00366**   0.0185***   0.0319***   0.0183***   0.0008***   0,0246
                     Indicator                                                       (0,0021)
                    (No, Yes)   (0.0013)   (0.0019)   (0.0020)   (0.0012)   (0.0001)

                               0.214***   0.255***   0.159***   0.0728***   0.0013***   0,1811
                    Credit lines                                                     (0,0015)
                    (No, Yes)   (0.0009)   (0.0014)   (0.0014)   (0.0008)   (0.0001)
                              0.00334***   0.0033***   0.00328***   0.0026***   0.0001***   0,0038
                    Bank firm                                                        (0,0004)
                    relationship   (0.0002)   (0.0003)   (0.0003)   (0.0002)   (0.0001)

                              0.00138***   0.00267***   0.00241***   0.000830***   0.0000*   0,003
                   Age of firms                                                      (0,0001)
                               (0.0000)   (0.0000)   (0.0000)   (0.0000)   (0.0000)

                               0.0371***   0.109***   0.0720***   0.0302***   0.0019***   0,0769

                    Size bank                                                        (0,0024)
                               (0.0018)   (0.0026)   (0.0028)   (0.0017)   (0.0001)

                               0.515***   0.693***   0.907***   1.054***   1.0110***   0,8393

                     Intercept                                                       (0,0012)
                               (0.0032)   (0.0046)   (0.0049)   (0.0030)   (0.0003)
                  Note: Standard errors in parentheses; * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001. Additionally,
                  models for all banks  are  estimated containing dummy variables for the different
                  banks  in  addition  to  the  variables  mentioned  below.  Sectors,  legal  form  of
                  companies are also included in models.

                  Source: Authors’ calculations.

                     At the time of the economic downturn, the chance for the bank to recover
                  completely is decreasing (in the case of LGD = 0), average losses and a chance
                  for a total loss (LGD = 1) increase. Also calculated were 5%, 25%, 50%, 75%,
                  95%  VaR  for  LGD  during  the  business  cycle  and  during  the  economic
                  downturn. For the probability of exceeding the loss of 5%, 25%, 50% and 75%,

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