Page 424 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 424

STS552 Natalia Nehrebecka
                  Figure 3: Estimated coefficients for Recovery Rate using Quantile
                  Regression and OLS along with 95% confidence intervals for economic
                  sectors 2

                  Source: Authors’ calculations

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      In order to estimate the risk parameter LGD in a suitable manner must
                  meet a number of requirements imposed by the regulator. The main aspects
                  are the right approach to the default definition - consistent within all credit
                  risk parameters, creating a reliable reference data set, based on which the LGD
                  is estimated, considering all historical defaults in modelling and selecting the
                  right modelling method. It is necessary to verify and validate the methods of
                  estimated losses due to defaults and to correct any discrepancies. Validation
                  should pay attention to compliance with regulatory requirements as well as
                  the  correctness  of  the  estimated  parameters  and  the  predictive  power  of
                  models. Correct estimation of the LGD parameter affects the maintenance of
                  adequate capital  for  expected  credit  losses,  which  is  a  key  element  of  the
                  bank’s operation.

                  2  Sector=2: “B” - Mining and quarrying; Sector=3: “DE” - Energy, water and waste; Sector=4:
                  “F”  –  Construction,  Sector  =5:  “G”  -  Trade,  Sector=6:  “H”  -  Transportation  and  storage,
                  Sector=7: “L” - Real estate activities, Sector=8: “Others”.

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