Page 429 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 429

STS552 João Falcão Silva et al.
                There are some issues associated with the use of LBS as a data source. First,
            data on banks’ liabilities to the households are collected on an encouraged
            basis  only  from  end-December  2013,  which  does  not  ensure  full  data
            coverage . Secondly, only 13 countries started reporting these data from the
            end-December 2013 and another 17 countries started reporting in subsequent
            quarters . Thirdly, due to confidentiality reasons data for some countries is
            not published and thus we cannot disclose all the estimates on bilateral data.
                The following table shows the mapping of sector hierarchy between the
            SNA and BIS LBS and thereported liabilities (deposits) in the LBS as of Q4 2018:

                   LBS sector code/name                          SNA code
                                             [in $bn]
               A:  All sectors              20,550                  S1
                   B: Banks, total (sub-sectors   12,688         S121+S122
                   N:  Non-banks, total     7,678
                                                             + (S11+S13+S14+S15)
                        F: Non-bank financial
               institutions                 4,141     S123+S124+S125+S126+S127+S128+S129
                        P: Non-financial sectors   3,168      S11+S13+(S14+S15)
                             C:  Non-financial
               Corporations                 1,199                   S11
                             G: General Government   89             S13
                             H: Households including
                      NPISHs                 673                  S14+S15
                             K: Non-financial sectors,   1,208
                         X:  Non-banks, unallocated   369
                     U: Unallocated by sector   184

                Although  the  counterparty  sector  breakdown  into  F  and  P  (see  Table
            above) are required, as of Q4 2018 about 5% of the total deposit liabilities to
            the non-bank sector was classified under the category “X: Unallocated non-
            banks”. The further breakdown of P into subsectors C, G and H shows that at
            sub-hierarchy, the share of “K: Unallocated non-financial sector” is about 16%

            9  same for claims on households sectors but we focus on liabilities of banks to estimate assets
            of this sector with banks abroad.
            10  The non-financial subsectors were introduced in the BIS international banking statistics as
            part of a series of enhancements to the statistics starting from end-December 2013. National
            authorities  started  to  report  the  enhanced  data  at  different  times  and,  as  a  result,  global
            coverage has been incomplete during the implementation phase. The BIS does not yet publish
            data for these subsectors, but plans to release these data by end 2019.
               Currently 47 countries report LBS data. We thus deal with two types of estimations, one for
            17 countries that started after 2013Q4 and another for remaining 17 countries that have not yet
            started reporting these data (countries with large cross-border positions in the latter group are
            China, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Singapore and the United States).
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