Page 434 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 434

STS552 João Falcão Silva et al.
                  explored so far permits the validation of common data items across statistical
                  domains  and  provides  additional  information.  The  effectiveness  of  these
                  exercises  depend  on  the  availability  of  the  information.  We  discuss
                  methodological aspects and offer guidance on derivation of household assets
                  abroad  for  individual  countries.  The  Portuguese  country-case  would  be
                  beneficial for other reporting countries (some countries have already started
                  adopting our approach that we shared).
                      Mirror data analysis ensures consistency and enhances statistical quality
                  standards, which is crucial for economists, analysts and policy makers who
                  explore  this  information.  When  these  estimates  are  considered  for  both
                  BoP/IIP and RoW financial accounts purposes, there is also need to consider
                  impacts  on  the  other  flows  (exchange  rate,  price  and  volume  changes).
                  Furthermore, this approach can be seen as generic as it can be extended to
                  the other sectors (in fact applied the estimation to sectors F, P, C, G and H).
                  Hyperlink BIS
                  Assets (claims) of non-bank subsectors with banks abroad 1

                  Amounts outstanding, in USD billion                                 Graph 1

                  1a: All counterparties, reported      1b: All counterparties, estimated

                  1c: Counterparties in Portugal, reported     1d: Counterparties in Portugal, estimated

                  1  Use of mirror data on liabilities of banks to non-bank subsectors; see methodology on estimation and allocation of non-available breakdown
                  including unallocated sector amounts.
                  Sources:  BIS locational banking statistics (by residence); authors’ calculations.

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