Page 435 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 435

STS552 João Falcão Silva et al.
            1.   Committee on the Global Financial System (2012): “Improving the BIS
                international banking statistics”, CGFS Papers, no 47, BIS, November.
            2.  Avdjiev, S., McGuire P. and Wooldridge P. (2015): “Enhanced data to
                analyse international banking”, BIS Quarterly Review, September, pp 53–
            3.  Bank for International Settlements (2016): “Recent enhancements to the
                BIS statistics”, BIS Quarterly Review, September, pp 35–44.
            4.  Eurostat (2017): Balance of Payments Vademecum, European
                Commission, February.
            5.  Pradhan S. and Silva, J. Falcão(2019): “Uses of mirror data: examples from
                the BIS international banking statistics and other external statistics”, IFC
                Bulletin, January, No 49.
            6.  International Monetary Fund (2018): “Sectoral classification of
                international organizations”, Clarification note, IMF Committee on
                Balance of Payments Statistics.

                       Statistical formulation of scenarios under method II

                The following scenarios are defined according to the available/reported
            information on counterparty sector N, F, P and H :
            1.      Deposits  placed  with  banks  by  households  (H)  of  a  country  –
                    liabilities of banks vis-à-vis sectors H and N are reported [available
                    since Q4 2013]: We use reported data without any change . If banks
                    in country  report H sector vis-à-vis country , country  should use
                    directly the information reported from country  for its sector H for all
                    reported periods:

                            (asset) =  ();  = 1,2, … ,  stands  for  periods
                           on  a  quarterly  basis  (1  is  the  latest  period  and    the  first
                           reporting quarter).
                    For  the  non-reported  periods  (prior  to  Q4  2013),  the  estimation
                    procedure follows two steps:

                    a.  Calculate  the  (simple/weighted/moving)  average  of  the
                        Households weight in the Non-banks sector (N) for the available
                        periods ( , ):

            24  In cases when subsectors are partially reported, we proportionally allocate residual amounts
            to  reportable  subsectors  (eg  N=  F+P+X  where  F>0,  P>0  and  X>0,  amount  in  X  are
            proportionally allocated to F and P. The same rule is adopted  for residual amounts in sector K)
                For example, Austria reports deposit liabilities vis-a-vis  sector H of Portugal (PT) since Q4
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