Page 155 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 155

STS577 Mahdi Roozbeh
                                      y =  x  +  , i 1 2 ,  ,..., n              (1.1)

            where    =  ( 1 , 2 ,..., p )  is  the vector of regression coefficients and    is the
            i th   error  component,  having  a  continuous  cumulative  distribution  function
            (c.d.f.), f(.) And finite fisher information, ( ),
                         ( ' f  ) x  2           dF (x )        d 2 F (x )
              ( I  ) f =         f  (x )dx  , f  (x ) =  ,  ( ' f  ) x =                    (1.2)
                     R   f  (x )                  dx              dx 2

                Now, consider a regression model in the presence of multicollinearity. The
            existence of multicollinearity may lead to wide confidence intervals for the
            individual  parameters  or  linear  combination  of  the  parameters  and  may
            produce estimates with wrong signs. For our purpose we employ the ridge
            regression  concept  due  to  Hoerl  and  Kennard  (1970),  to  combat
            multicollinearity.  There  are  a  lot  of  works  adopting  ridge  regression
            methodology to overcome the multicollinearity problem. To mention a few
            recent researches, see Hassanzadeh Bashtian et al. (2011), Amini and Roozbeh
            (2015), Arashi et al. (2015), Arashi and Valizadeh (2015) and Roozbeh (2016).
                When   <  , a classical method to deal with this problem is the famous
            F-test  statistic.  However,  it  is  shown  that  the  power  of  F-test  is  adversely
            impacted  by  an  increased  dimension.  Moreover,  the  F-test  statistics  is
            undefined  when  the  dimension  of  data  is  greater  than  the  within  sample
            degrees  of  freedom  since  the  pooled  sample  covariance  matrices  are  not
            positive definite. In order to overcome this issue, we propose a robust test
            based on rank regression in case  > .
                We organize this article as follows: In Section 2, we propose a robust ridge
            test statistic based on rank regression. In Section 3, some regularity conditions
            are given, while approximate distribution of the test statistic is given in Section
            4. Definition of a Stein-type shrinkage estimator and evaluating the ridge and
            shrinkage  parameters  using  GCV  criterion,  are  the  content  of  Section  5.
            Numerical studies are the context of Section 6. We conclude our results in
            section 7.

            2.  Robust Test Statistics
                The problem of our study is to find a rank-based test statistic for testing
            the following set of hypotheses:

                                            H : β = β vs H : β≠β .                                   (2.3)
                Testing hypotheses similar to (2.3), has been considered by many authors.
            To be  more specific about their finding and predispose our result,  we first
            consider  the  following  rank-based  score  test  (see  Hettmansperger  and

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