Page 25 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 25

STS556 Nitin Kumar et al.
                Next, we examine if there exist any differential behaviour across financially
            constrained firms wherein constrained firms are assumed for whom external
            financing  is  either  not  available  or  available  at  high  premium.  As  per  the
            underlying idea of Acharya et al. (2007), we segregate top and bottom 25 per
            cent percentile firms according to BORR (bank borrowings/total borrowings)
            as a measure of tendency towards external financing. The top 25 percentile
            firms are defined as constrained firms whereas the bottom 25 percentile firms
            are categorized as unconstrained firms. An advantage of this approach is that
            it  obviates  any  type  of  summarization  as  generally  required  in  capital
            expenditure technique. The AP ratio varies marginally from 13 per cent to 14
            per  cent  for  constrained  and  unconstrained  firms  respectively  (Table  3).
            However, AR ratio is observed 16 per cent for constrained and 20 per cent for
            unconstrained firms.

              Table 3: Constrained v/s Unconstrained                  Distress v/s Non-distress

                                                                       Account    Account
                             Accounts Payables     Accounts Receivable   Payables   Receivable
                                                                      Distressed   Distressed
              Variables   Constrained   Unconstrained   Constrained   Unconstrained   Firms   Firms
              Intercept    0.018       0.03       -0.011     -0.023   0.022    -0.022*

                          (0.031)     (0.03)      (0.03)     (0.027)   (0.015)   (0.012)
              L1.Dep     0.358***    0.435***    0.449***    0.36***   0.63***   0.555***

                          (0.039)     (0.056)     (0.052)    (0.054)   (0.015)   (0.018)
              INV          0.002      0.006*     -0.008***   -0.023***   0.002   -0.014***

                          (0.003)     (0.003)     (0.003)    (0.003)   (0.002)   (0.001)
              SIZE         0.005      0.004      0.014***   0.032***   -0.002   0.022***

                          (0.004)     (0.005)     (0.004)    (0.005)   (0.003)   (0.002)
              ROA         -0.035**    -0.037*     0.005     0.063***   -0.064***  0.03***

                          (0.016)     (0.019)     (0.016)    (0.017)   (0.01)   (0.009)
              DEBT        0.028**    -0.083***    -0.021*    -0.026**   -0.024***  -0.023***

                          (0.011)     (0.015)     (0.011)    (0.013)   (0.008)   (0.007)
              BORR         0.002      0.01**     0.01***     -0.008*   0.001   0.004*

                          (0.004)     (0.005)     (0.004)    (0.004)   (0.003)   (0.002)
              CATA       0.097***    0.077***    0.125***   0.171***   0.112***   0.15***

                          (0.014)     (0.015)     (0.014)    (0.014)   (0.009)   (0.008)
              L1.INF      -0.014     -0.032***    0.018      -3.3E-04   0.017**   -0.01

                          (0.012)     (0.01)      (0.012)    (0.008)   (0.007)   (0.006)

              DISTRESS                                                -0.014***   -0.005*

                                                                      (0.003)   (0.003)
              L1.INT_RAT  0.003***    0.001*     -0.003***   -8.7E-04   0.001***   -0.001***
                 E        (0.001)    (7.4E-04)   (1.0E-03)   (6.4E-04)   (4.7E-04)   (3.9E-04)

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