Page 294 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 294

STS587 Guangwu C.
                      Peer-to-peer accommodation differs from the traditional accommodation
                  sector  by  splitting  the  booking  and  accommodation  services.  The
                  accommodation services are outsourced to hosts while the booking services
                  are still maintained in the peer-to-peer accommodation platforms. In contrast,
                  the  traditional  accommodation  sector  usually  integrates  the  booking  and
                  accommodation  services  together.  Some  traditional  accommodation
                  providers  may  also  outsource  their  booking  services  to  internet-based
                  platforms, such as and, but these have not been
                  included in this research.
                      In our case, CF of booking service represents 3.08 kg CO2e per room per
                  night, while CF associated with the traditional accommodation services ranges
                  from 4.19 to 6.31 kg CO2e per room per night. These figures are based on the
                  calculation of three different scenarios as shown in the Table 6. The scenario
                  modeling  was  based  on  an  Excel-based  cost  accounting  tool  “Unlocked-
                  Airbnb_Financial_Calculator_v2.4.6”  along  with  a  video  tutorial  provided  by
                  Airbnb. The fees for the Airbnb platform is about 12.3 Yuan per room per night
                  on average. Due to the relative low carbon intensity for running the Airbnb
                  platform (average 0.05 kgCO2e/RMB), the total CF for booking services is about
                  3.08  kg,  which  seems  very  high  compared  to  the  CF  related  to  the  actual
                  spending for serving guests.
                      In scenario 1, only the consumables were taken into account. The CF of
                  accommodation services of Airbnb would be 4.19 kg CO2e per room per night.
                  Most  of  the  emissions  come  from  the  electricity  and  other  energy
                  consumption. In scenario 2, the insurance and services e.g. gardening services
                  and  rubbish  removals  were  further  considered  (scenario  2).  The  CF  of
                  accommodation services of Airbnb would be 4.59 kg CO2e per room per night.
                  In scenario 3, durables were also included, thus increasing the CF to 6.31 kg
                  CO2e per room per night. However, running an Airbnb is much lower than an
                  average household’s CF (27.11 kg CO2e per room per night, scenario 4), which
                  is because the other sectors including Food, Clothing and footwear, Transport,
                  Education, Holiday etc. make up a large amount of CF.
                      Running an Airbnb yields lower CF than traditional accommodation and
                  the  carbon  intensity  of  Airbnb  is  also  lower  than  the  traditional
                  accommodation  sector. The  booking  services  provided  by  Airbnb  platform
                  and accommodation services provided by Airbnb host together generate a CF
                  ranging  7.27-9.39  kg  CO2e  per  room  per  night,  which  is  only  12%-15%  of
                  Accommodation sector (60.90 kg CO2e). The carbon intensities of scenario 1-3
                  of  Airbnb  are  much  lower,  ranging  0.02-0.09  kg/RMB,  compared  to  0.38
                  kg/RMB of accommodation sector. That is because compared to the average
                  amount of total fee (104 Yuan per room per night) for Airbnb housing, only
                  2.55-9.52 dollars per room per night are spent for running Airbnb housing in
                  Scenarios 1-3 causing a small amount of emissions, while hotels and other

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