Page 290 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 290

STS587 Guangwu C.

                                   The impacts of digitalisation on China’s
                                               economic system
                                                Guangwu Chen
                                  The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

                  This paper aims to quantify the impacts of digitalisation on China’s economic
                  system  within  the  global  boundary  from  production,  consumption,  and
                  income perspectives. The key work we are going to carry out as follows: (1)
                  We  present  a  new  industrial  classification  system  by  disaggregating  the
                  digitalised sector from related sectors and then filling the data of the new
                  sector  and  also  the  numbers  with  each  sector.  The  data  are  from  various
                  sources including yearbooks, digitalisation development reports and related
                  databases. (2) We insert the new digital sector into China’s economic system
                  using a global boundary input-output table focusing on China system. We
                  restructure the global multi-regional input-output table into two regions –
                  China and rest of the world (RoW) and extended the new MRIO table with a
                  new digital sector to show the digital production supply chain. (3) We use
                  Leontief  demand-driven  model  and  Ghosh  supply-driven  model  to
                  quantifying  production  of  the  new  goods  and  services,  consumption  from
                  consumers and the labour and capital income. This integrated study plans to
                  give a whole picture for assessing the size and growth of the digital economy
                  and its possible contributions to households welfare.

                  Digitalisation; economic system; multi-regional input-output table

                  1.  Introduction
                      United Nations has highlighted the sustainable consumption coupled with
                  challenges of environmental and social changes in Sustainable Development
                  Goals (SDGs).  The ever-growing digital economy poses new challenges for
                  China to achieve a sustainable future since many consumptions through the
                  internet-based  companies  has  not  yet  to  be  found  sustainable.  Chinese
                  government  has  regarded  the  digital  economy  as  the  future  in  terms  of
                  improvement to existing industry and growth of new ones. However, in order
                  to catch up with the fast pace of development in digital markets and related
                  companies,  the  regulations  safeguarding  the  environmental  and  social
                  outcomes are urgently required to update with evidence-based supports.
                      The  quantification  of  footprint  linking  to  direct,  indirect  and  induced
                  effects  for  internet-based  companies  has  not  been  comprehensively
                  investigated  in  previous  research  (Cheng  et  al.  2019).  The  direct  effects

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