Page 323 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 323

STS700 Candigo J. A., Jr. et al.
            classified  as  Tier  I  (indicators  with  established  methodology  ,  regularly
            collected),  72  as  Tier  II  (with  established  methodology,  data  not  regularly
            collected),  62  as  Tier  III  (no  established  methodology,  methodologies  are
            being  developed/tested)  and  5  as  multi-tier  ((different  components  of  the
            indicator, i.e., numerator and denominator, are classified into different tiers)
                One of the indicators which is classified as Tier II is SDG 9.1.1. – “Proportion
            of  the  rural  population  who  live  within  2  km  of  an  all-season  road“.  This
            indicator measures the share of a country’s rural population that lives within 2
            kilometers of an all-season road or are within an approximate walking distance
            of two kilometers (around 20-25 minute walk) from an all-season road.
                Considered as priority statistical development programs as stipulated in
            the  Philippine  Statistical  Development  Program  2018-2023,  the  Philippine
            Statistical System through the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) spearheads
            some of the methodological work in addressing Tier II and Tier III indicators.
            Recently, a technical assistance from the Asian Development Bank enabled the
            PSA to estimate SDG 9.1.1 using the initial efforts done by the World Bank.
                This paper attempts to come up with measures of SDG 9.1.1, that is, to
            come  up  with  an  estimate  of  the  proportion  of  rural  population  of  the
            Philippines  which  live  within  two  kilometres  from  an  all-season  road.
            Technically  referred  to  as  Rural  Access  Index,  SDG  9.1.1  will  enable
            policymakers  to  identify  and  manage  investments  in  road  sector  and  to
            formulate rural transport programs and strategies to boost agricultural growth
            and reduce poverty, particularly in rural areas.

            2.  Methodology
                The methodology used in the computation of the Rural Access Index is
            based on the initial work of the World Bank  . The software QGIS   was used
            in all steps of the methodology involving maps.  Source of data include the
            PSA (administrative maps with boundaries, urban-rural classification of levels
            of  government,  and  digitized  road  network),  and  the  WorldPop  (high-
            resolution  gridded  population  distribution  map  for  2015).  Meanwhile,  all
            computer operations were performed using the open-source QGIS software.

                Basically, the methodology is divided into three parts:
                Part 1 – Estimating the Rural Population
                1.  Obtain an administrative map with barangay boundaries.
                2.  From the map, identify the urban barangays. Barangay is the lowest
                    level  of  administration  in  the  Philippines,  i.e.,  National,  Regional,
                    Provincial, City, Municipal and Barangay levels. Barangays are the only

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