Page 328 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 328

STS700 Hataichanok P.

                                Big data utilization for Official Statistics in
                                            Hataichanok Puckcharern
                                          National Statistical Office, Thailand

                  As the Thai government gives importance to the use of big data, especially
                  Government Big Data, to improve the efficiency of public administration and
                  to improve the quality of people’s life and Thai NSO also plays a big role on
                  National Statistical System Management of the country, Ministry of Digital
                  Economy  and  Society  has  proceeded  in  relation  to  the  administration  of
                  Government  Big  Data  in  order  to  produce  official  statistics  to  guide  and
                  support  national  development,  which  has  now  begun  by  appointing  a
                  committee to drive policy implementation to use Big data, data centers and
                  cloud  computing,  with  the  Deputy  Prime  Minister  as  president  and  3
                  subcommittees have been appointed to drive the operation, consisting of
                      1.   The Subcommittee on Enterprise Architecture Design of Government
                           Integration System
                      2.   The Subcommittee on Law and Regulation for Utilizing Big Data
                      3.   The Subcommittee on Human Resource Development for Utilizing
                           Big Data
                  Moreover, Thai NSO has conducted a study and improved the laws related to
                  the management of statistical systems and also implemented Thailand
                  Statistical Master Plan at the agenda base level, Function Base and Area Base
                  in order to drive the use of big data.

                  Big Data, Official Statistics, Thailand, National Statistical Office

                  1.  Introduction
                      Royal Thai Government acknowledge the utilization of big data to improve
                      efficiency in public administration and citizens’ quality of life.
                      On 26 February 2018 The National Committee on Driving Policy Operation
                      for Utilizing Big Data, Data Center and Cloud Computing was established.
                      This committee objective are as follows:
                      1.  To plan a strategy for driving policy operation to utilize big data, data
                             center and cloud computing
                      2.  To  address  urgent  and  important  issues  to  utilize  big  data  for
                         supporting  government  operation,  monitoring  progress  of

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