Page 327 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 327

STS700 Candigo J. A., Jr. et al.
                On  the  other  hand,  certain  limitations  and  caveats  are  noteworthy  to
                •  There is no official definition of “all-season” road, i.e., “all-season” road
                    is usually confused with “all-weather”.
                •  There are different definitions of urban and rural areas per country and
                    the classification may change over the years
                •  The methodology only takes into account the horizontal distance from
                    the all-season road with no adjustments made on areas with elevation
                    and presence of water surface.

                This  paper  initially  worked  on  estimating  the  RAI  for  the  whole  Davao
            Region  and  separately  for  its  five  provinces.  The  methodology  can  be
            replicated for other areas of the Philippine to come up with comparisons of
            RAI among its 17 regions and 81 provinces. It may be rigorous to estimate for
            RAI of municipalities and barangays as it will entail more computational time
            considering that there are 1,489 municipalities and 42,045 barangays in the
            Philippines as of 2018. Further, it will be difficult to identify the boundaries of
            road network since most road networks crosses over more than one barangay.
                Future work for the PSA related to RAI include the following:
                •  Updating of the road  network data using data collected from geo-
                    tagging activities of the PSA.
                •  Use of the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) results as
                    gridded population map.
                •  For Philippine Statistical System (PSS) to establish official definition of
                    rural and urban areas.
                •  Adoption and approval of the methodology for the estimation of RAI
                    in the Philippines.
                •  Release of statistics on RAI in the SDG Watch.

            1.  World Bank (2016). “Measuring Rural Access Using New Technologies”
            2.  Asian Development Bank (2019). Country Training Workshop on Data
                Disaggregation using Small Area Estimation and Big Data Analytics

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