Page 325 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 325

STS700 Candigo J. A., Jr. et al.
            The series of images below visually describes the methodology above

                Map of Davao Region     Urban Barangays in Davao    Rural Barangays in
              with barangay boundaries          Region                Davao Region

              All-season road network   Two-kilometer radius   Gridded rural population
               map of Davao Region      surrounding the all-       living within two
                                       season road network of   kilometers of all-season
                                           Davao Region         roads in Davao Region

            3.  Results
                In the Philippines, Davao Region has the largest contribution among
            regions  in  the  southern  part  of  the  Philippines  in  terms  of  gross  regional
            domestic  product.  One  of  its  priority  strategies  is  the  Comprehensive
            Outcomes for Rural Empowerment Growth Triangle which aims to mobilize
            the region’s resources to enhance its connectivity in order to achieve ease and
            mobility of access of people, goods and services through an integrated multi-

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