Page 329 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 329

STS700 Hataichanok P.
                    government central database integration
                3.  To  formulate  a  policy  for  supporting  government  enterprise
                    architecture design
                4.  To regulate the data quality of all public sectors.
                Deputy Prime Minister chairs the committee. The committee is comprised
            of  the  twentieth  Permanent  Secretaries  of  all  government  ministries  in
            Thailand. The committee secretary is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry
            of Digital Economy and Society and the assistant secretary of the committee
            is Director-General of National Statistical Office.
                A  week  later,  the  first  national  workshop  on  big  data  utilization  was
            launched. The objectives of this workshop are promoting the opportunity of
            big data utilization for public sectors to support national strategy Thailand 4.0,
            and integrating data across public sectors to data analysis. The workshop’s
            participants  were  representatives  from  all  ministries.  In  this  workshop,  the
            roadmap of driving big data utilization was presented. Besides the participants
            had defined three urgent and important issues which related datasets were
            available for analysis.

                    In order to perform its functions and to carry out its duties as fully and
            as efficiently as possible, the committee established three subcommittees. The
            National Committee on Driving Policy Operation for Utilizing Big Data, Data
            Center and Cloud Computing adopted the following resolution on May 11,
            2018 in the first meeting.
                Three subsidiary bodies of the committee are:
                     1.  The  Subcommittee  on  Enterprise  Architecture

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