Page 399 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 399

STS2320 Ali S. H.
                Another approach for the identification of univariate outliers is as follows:
            The a% trimmed mean and trimmed standard deviation are computed based
            on the central 100(1 – α)% of the values. Commonly used choices of a are 5%
            and 10%. Then all observations more than 3 trimmed standard deviations away
            from the trimmed mean are declared outliers. Outliers are then treated by
            replacing them by

                         Trimmed mean – 3:1 x Trimmed standard deviation,

            if they are in the lower tail, or by

                         Trimmed mean + 3:1 x Trimmed standard deviation,

            if they are in the upper tail. This rule, which is simple and also strikes a balance
            between  efficiency  and  robustness,  is  adopted  by  other  well-established
            indices, such as the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG); see the MIF
            foundation Web site at:

            3.  The Multivariate Approach
                Although  the  methods  for  the  identification  of  univariate  outliers  are
            simple  and  easy  to  compute,  they  may  fail  to  identify  outliers  in  higher-
            dimensional  spaces.  For  example,  Figure  3  shows  that  scatter  plot  of  two
            variables Y and X. Here we can see clearly that there are two outliers in the
            two-dimensional space. Neither one of the univariate methods for identifying
            the outliers will identify these two observations because each one of then falls
            near the mean of X and the mean of Y. An early method for the identification
            of  multivariate  outliers  is  to  compute  the  Mahalanobis  distances
            (Mahalanobis, 1936)

                         ( ,  ̅, ) = √( −  ̅)   ( −  ̅), for i=1,2,….,n,

            where   is a vector representing the i-th observation in the p-dimensional
            space, p is the number of variables in the index data,  ̅ is the mean vector, and
             is the p x p covariance matrix of the data. Here M  measures the elliptical
            distance between   and  ̅ relative to the covariance matrix . Values of M
            larger than  ,/  are declared multivariate outliers, where  2   is the /
            upper quantile of the   distribution with p degrees of freedom, and α is the
            significance level. Here we divide α by n as a way of Bonferrouni adjustment.
                 Mahalanobis  distances  are  easy  to  compute  but  they  are  not  robust
            because they depend on  ̅ and , which are not robust. One may replace  ̅
            and  by  a  robust  version  of  them,  say  ̅  and  .This  gives  a  robustified
            version of the Mahalanobis distances, that is,

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