Page 79 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 79

CPS1085 Manoj C.
                4.  AILs of HPD intervals are smaller and the associated CPs are higher
                    than that of bootstrap confidence intervals.

            3.2 Illustration using real data
                We  also  illustrate  an  application  for  the  inferential  procedures  on   =
             (  <   )  developed  in  the  previous  sections.  For  that,  we  consider  an
            example  given  in  Hoffman  and  Johnson  (2015)  on  water  quality  level  of
            freshwater streams across the commonwealth of  Virginia  in USA. We have
            obtained  the  MLE  and  Bayes  estimates  of  P(Y  <  X)  based  on  first  r  order
            statistics of  observation and its concomitants on  variates and shows that
            the  estimated  values  of  (  <  )  is  more  or  less  0.9  for  all  the  cases.
            Therefore we can claim that the concentration level of Zinc in freshwater across
            Virginia is relatively lower than the worldwide quality standard of zinc in water.

            4.  Conclusion
                In this work, we have considered the problem of estimation of   =  (  <
              ) for bivariate normal distribution using type II censored order statistics and
            its concomitants. The maximum likelihood and Bayes estimators have been
            obtained  for   .  For  obtaining  the  Bayes  estimates,  importance  sampling
            method  has  been  applied.  Based  on  the  simulation  study  we  have  the
            following conclusions. The bias and MSE of all estimators decrease when the
            number  of  uncensored  observations  r  increases.  Bayes  estimators  perform
            better  than  that  of  MLEs  in  terms  of  bias  and  MSE.  Among  the  Bayes
            estimators,  estimator  under  SEL  function  perform  better  when   ≠   and
            estimator  under  EL  function  perform  better  when    =  .  AILs  of  HPD
            intervals are smaller and the associated CPs are higher than that of bootstrap
            confidence intervals.

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