Page 129 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 129

CPS1461 Michal P. et. al
                From the statistical point of view, the panel data with changepoints are
            represented as some multivariate data points across different subjects and
            they  are  usually  assessed  using  an  ordinary  least  squares  approach.
            Hypothetical  changepoints  are  firstly  detected,  they  are  tested  for  their
            significance,  and  then  the  overall  model  structure  is  estimated  using  the
            knowledge about the existing changepoints. The available literature falls into
            two main categories: in the first one, the authors consider the changepoint
            detection  problem  within  homogeneous  panel  data  (see,  for  instance,  De
            Watcher and Tzavalis, 2012; Qian and Su, 2016) and, in the second category,
            they deal with the changepoint detection and estimation in heterogeneous
            panel  data  (Baltagi  et  al.,  2016;  Kim,  2011;  Pesaran,  2006).  In  all  these
            situations, however, the authors firstly need to detect existing changepoints
            and, later, they can adopt some tests to decide whether these structural breaks
            in  the  panels  are  statistically  significant  or  not.  Moreover,  the  panels  are
            considered to be independent in the aforementioned literature.
                On  the  other  hand,  the  changepoint  detection  problem  is  mostly
            considered for situations where the number of panels NN and the number of
            observations  in  each  panel  TN  are  both  sufficiently  large—they  are  both
            supposed  to  tend  to  infinity  (see  Horvath  and Huskova,  2012;  Chan  et  al.,
            2013). For practical applications, however, it may not be possible to have a
            long follow up period. Therefore, the changepoint estimation is also studied
            for the panel data, where the number of observations in the panel is fixed and
            does not depend on N (for instance, Bai, 2010) or it is even extremely small
            (Pestova and Pesta, 2015, 2017).
                In  this  paper,  we  propose  a  statistical  test  where  no  changepoint
            estimation is needed apriori and the panel data are assumed to form a very
            general structure: the panels are allowed to be dependent with some common
            dependence factor;  the panels are heteroscedastic; the follow-up period is
            extremely short; and different jump magnitudes are possible across the panels
            accounting also for a situation that only some panels contain the jump and
            the remaining ones do not. Finally, the observations within each panel may
            preserve some form of dependence (for instance, an autoregresive process or
            even  GARCH  sequence).  We  are  specifically  interested  in  testing  the  null
            hypothesis that there is no common change in the means of such general
            panels:  the  no  changepoint  situation  can  be  expressed  as  =  T  and  the
            corresponding  alternative  hypothesis  is  that  there  is  at  least  one  panel
            i{1,…,N} with the jump in its mean, located at  < T, with a nonzero magnitude
             i ≠ 0.

            2.  Methodology
                The motivation for the model presented in this paper can be taken, for
            instance,  from  a  non-life  insurance  business,  where  multiple  insurance

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