Page 130 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 130

CPS1461 Michal P. et. al
                  companies in various countries collect claim amounts paid by every insurance
                  company each year. The data are represented by cumulative claim payments,
                  which  can  be  seen  in  terms  of  the  panel  data  structure,  where  the  given
                  insurance company i{1,…,N} provides the overall claim amount Yi,t paid at the
                  given  time  t{1,…,T}  (i.e.,  annual  payments).  The  follow-up  period  may  be
                  relatively very short (only 10–15 years) and it is not reasonable to assume that
                  T tends to infinity as it can be assumed for the number of available companies
                      The  model  which  we  assume  for  the  scenario  described  above  can  be
                  expressed as
                            =  + { > } +   +   ,       = 1, … . , ,  = 1, … , ;          (1)
                  where  µi  R  are  the  panel  specific  mean  parameters,  τ {1, … , } is  some
                  common  changepoint  time  (same  for  all  considered  panels)  with  the
                  corresponding  jump  magnitudes  δi    R.  Thus,  if  there  is  some  common
                  changepoint in model (1) present at time τ < T, then the corresponding panel
                  specific means change from µi before the change to µi +δi after the change.

                  This formulation also allows for a specific case where δi =0 meaning no jump
                  is  present  for  some  given  panel  i.  The  panel  specific  variance  scaling
                  parameters σi > 0 mimic heteroscedasticity of the panels. The random factors
                  ξt’s are used to introduce a  mutual dependence between individual panels
                  where the level of dependence is modeled by the magnitude of unknown
                  loadings ζi  R.

                  Assumption  A  1.  The  vectors  [ , … ,  ]  and  [ , … ,  ]  exist  on  a
                  probability  space  (Ω, ℱ,P)  and  are  independent  for   = 1, . . . , . Moreover,
                  [ , … ,  ]  are iid for   =  1, . . . ,  with Eεi,t = 0 and Varεi,t = 1, having the
                  autocorrelation function
                             ρt =Corr ( ,  ,+ ) = Cov ( ,  ,+ ),∀s  {1, . . . ,  − },
                  which is independent of the time s, the cumulative autocorrelation function
                                     () = Var ∑  =1   ,  = ∑ ||< ( − ||) ,
                  and the shifted cumulative correlation function

                           (, ) = Cov (∑  , ∑  ) = ∑ ∑      − ,       < ;
                                          =1   =+1      =1 =+1
                  for all   = 1, . . . ,  and ,   =  1, . . . , .

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