Page 133 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 133

CPS1461 Michal P. et. al
                An alternative way for testing the change in panel means could be a usage
            of CUSUM type statistics. For example, a maximum or minimum of a sum (not
            a ratio) of properly standardized or modified sums from our test statistics R N
            () or S  N (). The theory, which follows, can be appropriately rewritten for
            such cases.
            Prior  to  deriving  asymptotic  properties  of  the  test  statistics,  we  provide
            assumptions on the relationship between the heterogeneous volatility and the
            mutual dependence of the panels.
            Assumption A  2. For some  > 0,
                                            (∑    2+ ) 2
                                        lim   =1     = 0
                                       →∞      2  2+
                                            (∑ =1  )

            and | | 2+  < ∞, for  ∈ {1, … , }.

            Assumption A  3.

                                             (∑    ) 2
                                         lim    =1   = 0
                                         →∞ (∑    )

                If there exist constants ,  > 0, not depending on , such that

                                        ≤  ≤ ,    = 1 … ;
            then the first part of Assumption A  2 is satisfied. Additionally, suppose that,
            e.g.,| | ≤  −1/2−  for all ’s and some,  > 0, then Assumption A  3 holds
            as well.
                Now, we derive the behavior of the test statistics under the null hypothesis.
            Theorem 3.1 (Under null). Under Assumptions A  1 – A  3 and hypothesis H0,

                     D                     |  −    |
            R N () →     max                     −
                    →∞ =1,…,−1 max |  −   |+ max |  −    |
                                 =1,…,    =,…−1  −


            S  N () →
             −1                      2
                              ( −   )
             ∑                  2                    2
             =1  ∑   ( −  ) + ∑ −1  ( −   −    )
                  =1         =     −   

            where  :  −   and [ , … ,  ]  is a multivariate normal random vector with
            zero mean and covariance matrix Λ = { } ,   such that
                                                   , ,=1
                                                               122 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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