Page 135 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 135

CPS1461 Michal P. et. al
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                The changepoint location problem for a very general panel data structure
            is considered in this paper: the observations within each panel are dependent,
            the  given  panels  are  allowed  to  be  heteroscedastic,  and  even  dependent
            among each other. The mutual dependence is modeled using some common
            random  factors  and  some  unknown  panel  specific  loadings.  The follow  up
            period is allowed to be extremely short and the changepoint magnitudes may
            differ  across  the  panels  accounting  also  for  a  specific  situation  that  some
            magnitudes are equal to zero (thus, no jump is present in such case). Another
            advantage of the proposed approach is that it does not require an apriori
            estimation of the changepoint location. We considered two competitive self-
            ormalized test statistics and their asymptotic properties are derived. Under the
            null hypothesis of no change, the
            test  statistics  weakly  converge  to  a  functional  of  the  multivariate  normal
            random  vector  with  the  zero  mean  vector  and  the  covariance  structure
            depending on the intra-panel covariances. Under the alternative hypothesis,
            both  test  statistics  are  shown  to  converge  to  infinity  with  the  increasing
            number of panels and, thus, both procedures are proved to be consistent.
                From the practical point of view, the general structure with heteroscedastic
            and possibly dependent panels with extremely short follow up periods is a lot
            more realistic scenario for practical utilization of the proposed changepoint
            tests than a situation with independent or even homoscedastic panels.
                A simulation study (which is not presented here) illustrates that even for
            an extremely small panel size (10 observations only), both competitive test
            statistics perform quite well: the empirical specificity of both tests is very close
            to the theoretical value of one minus the significance level, but a slightly better
            performance is observed for the test statistic R N () when considering some
            heavy tailed common factors for the mutual panel dependence. On the other
            hand, S   N () slightly outperforms the previous one in terms of the power,
            which  is  still  comparable  among  various  error  dependence  and  panel
            dependence structures. The power increases as the number of panels gets
            higher. Furthermore, the sensitivity is also affected by the length of the follow
            up period, the proportion of panels for which a non-zero jump magnitude is
            observed, and the changepoint location. Longer follow up periods and higher
            proportions of the panels with jumps in their means imply better powers for
            both  tests.  When  considering  the  changepoint  location,  then  the  highest
            power is observed for the changepoint located close to the middle of the
            follow up period.
                The theory can be further extended to propose a consistent changepoint
            estimate,  which  is  otherwise  not  needed  for  the  tests  based  on  the  self-
            normalized statistics. Such estimate can be used to obtain a  bootstrapped
            counterpart for the asymptotic distribution of both test statistics. The self-

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