Page 274 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 274

CPS1855 Nobutane H.

                               Extended age-environment model for analysing
                                    data on breast cancer death rates for
                                           Japanese elderly women
                                             Nobutane Hanayama
                                          Shobi University, Kawagoe, Japan

                  The breast cancer death rate for Japanese women aged 70-74 in 2010-14 is
                  almost twice of the rate in 1985-89, while the rate for women aged 50-54 has
                  been slightly decreased since 2000. Such trend may be due to that age and
                  environment  factors,  which  include  advancing  medical  technology,
                  socioeconomic condition and government policy for public health, intricately
                  affect Japanese women. In this study, to project such age and environmental
                  factors, a newly proposed statistical model, which is alternative to the age-
                  period-cohort model, is fitted to the data for breast cancer deaths for Japanese
                  women aged 50 and older in 1985-2014. The result shows that the proposed
                  model provides a better fit to the data than the age-period-cohort model in
                  terms  of  Akaike's  Information  Criterion.  Besides  the  result  of  estimating
                  environmental factors suggests that effects of westernized food culture, low
                  fertility,  increase  of  woman’s  first  pregnancy  over  40  or  working  women,
                  westernized food culture since 1960s and low fertility rates in these several
                  decades  in  Japan.  In  addition,  the  result  of  comparison  of  estimated
                  environment  effects  on  breast  cancer  and  those  on  food  preference  rates
                  suggests that that change of food reference from beef stew to Hamburger or
                  beef stake increase the breast cancer risks.

                  Age-period-cohort model; Breast cancer; Death rates given by age and period;
                  Environmental factor

                  1.  Introduction
                     Breast  cancer  has  become  a  big  socio-economic  problem  in  Japan
                  (Matsumoto, et al. 2015). Especially among elderly women, the death rates
                  from the disease have been increasing over the past three decades, though
                  the death rate remain relatively low compared with the United States, Canada
                  and England and Wales (Yang, et al., 2010). Now let’s see the Table 1 for the
                  numbers of deaths in 10,000 for Japanese women aged 50-79. Then it is found
                  the rate for women aged 70-74 in 2010-14 is almost twice of those in 1985-
                  89 also in Japan. However, for women aged 50-54, the rate has been slightly
                  decreased since 2000. More specifically, the age-specific breast cancer death
                  rates in 2010-14 are entirely almost double of those in 1985-89 for all age

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