Page 277 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 277

CPS1855 Nobutane H.
            it is impossible to observe  , it is conventionally approximated by sum of
            survivors every year in [ −1 ,  ), which is called person-years.
                For analysing data given by age and period, the age-period-cohort model
            (Kupper et al., 1985) has enjoyed considerable popularity. The age-period-
            cohort model is one expressed as this formula.

                                log  =  +  +  +  −                                                       (1)

                In this formula   indicates the age effect and   indicates the period effect
            and  −  indicates the cohort effect. As illustrated in the Figure 5   and   are
            common for data associated with horizontally and vertically aligned squared
            areas on the Lexis diagram, while,  −  is common for data associated with
            people who were in the ages [ ,  ) in the period [ −1 ,  ) which is called
            birth cohort (Glenn, 1977).

                    Figure 5. Age, period and cohort effects on the Lexis diagram

                As  long  as  the  birth  cohort  is  concerned,  −  is  associated  with  event
            occurred  in [ −1 ,  ) which  affect  people  (babies  or  children)  in  the  ages
            [ ,  ). However our concern in this study is the socioeconomic factors on
            breast cancer, and socio-economic events may affect not only people in the
            ages [ ,  ) but also other people as the Figure 6 (left). In addition it may be
            plausible to consider that socio-economic events make effect on people who
            experience them afterward as illustrated in the Figure 6 (center). Based on
            those idea Hanayama (2004) suggested a model with age and environment
            effects called age-environment model, which are illustrated in the Figure 6

                                  Figure 6. Idea environment effect

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