Page 282 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 282

CPS1855 Nobutane H.
                  1.  Kunichika Matsumoto, Kayoko Haga, Takefumi Kitazawa, Kanako Seto,
                      Shigeru Fujita and Tomonori Hasegawa (2015). Cost of illness of breast
                      cancer in Japan trends and future projections. BMC Res Notes, 2015,
                  2.  L. Yang J. Fujimoto D. Qiu N. Sakamoto (2010). Trends in cancer
                      mortality in the elderly in Japan, 1970–2007. Annals of Oncology,
                      Volume 21, Issue 2, 1 February 2010, Pages 389–396.
                  3.  Lagerlund, M., Bellocco, R., Karlsson, P. et al. (2005). Socio-economic
                      factors and breast cancer survival – a population-based cohort study
                      (Sweden). Cancer Causes Control 16: 419. doi:10.1007/s10552-004-6255-
                  4.  Keiding, Niels (1990). Statistical inference in the Lexis diagram.
                      Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A 332:
                  5.  Kupper, Lawrence L., Joseph M. Janis, Azza Karmous and Bernard G.
                      Greenberg. (1985). Statistical age-period-cohort analysis: A review and
                      critique.” Journal of Chronic Disease 38: 811-30.
                  6.  Nobutane Hanayama (2004). Age–environment model for breast cancer.
                      Environmetrics; 15: 219–232
                  7.  Minami, Y. T., Y. Tsubono, et al. (2004). The increase of female breast
                      cancer incidence in Japan: emergence of birth cohort effect. Int J Cancer
                      108: 901–906.
                  8.  Kumiko SAIKA, Tomotaka SOBUE (2009). Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
                      in Japan and the US. JMAJ 52(1): 39–44.

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