Page 278 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 278

CPS1855 Nobutane H.
                  The age-environment model is expressed as follows.

                                 log  =  +  +   ∑      ,                                                        (2)
                                                  =−− 0 /5

                  where   is the age effect, which is common for the age-period-cohort model,
                  and   is the environment effect associated with events occurred in [ −1 ,  ),
                  which affect all people who experience them. Because people who are alive in
                  the  period [ −1 ,  ) in  the  ages [ −1 ,  ) are  affected  all  events  occurred
                  [ − ,  −+1 ), [ −−1 ,  − ), … , [ −1 ,  )  as  illustrated  in  the  Figure  7,
                   − , … ,  −1  are cumulated in the age-environment model. In addition.

                      Figure 7. Cumulative          Figure 8. the youngest and the oldest
                                                       age-group who are affected by the
                                                      environment and duration that socio-
                                                          economic events take effect

                      Though the age-environment model is successfully fitted to age-by-period
                  data for breast cancer death rates, it may not be natural to assume that people
                  who are alive in the period [ −1 ,  ) in the ages [ −1 ,  ). Further it may not
                  be natural as well to assume that affected all events and those take effects
                  ever  after  they  experience  them.  So,  we  introduce  indices  indicating  the
                  youngest  and  the  oldest  age-group  who  are  affected  by  socio-economic
                  events  and  an  index  indicating  duration  that  socio-economic  events  take
                  effect  after  people  experience  them  into  the  age-environment  model  and
                  suggest an extended model like

                                             min (,−−+)
                          log  =  +  +      ∑          ,                                                        (3)

                     where   = 1,2, … ,  /5  and   = 1,2, … ,  indicate  the  youngest  and  the
                  oldest age-group who are affected by the environment respectively, and  =
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