Page 285 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 285

CPS1857 Nicholas J. et al.
            0 it can be said that an area is covered by a building. The NDVI calculation
            formula is as follows [3]:

                                             (NIR − Red)                             (1)
                                     NDVI =
                                             (NIR + Red)
                NDVI value empirically is still less stable for classifying vegetation because
            it is influenced by a variety of factors such as soil color, soil moisture, and
            saturation effects of high density vegetation. The Soil Adjusted  Vegetation
            Index  (SAVI)  method  was  developed  as  the  improvement  of  NDVI  when
            vegetation cover is low on a soil. The SAVI calculation formula is as follows [3]:

                                          (NIR − Red)
                                 SAVI =                 ∗ (1 + L)
                                        (NIR + Red + L)                            (2)

                where NIR denotes every pixels in the band 5 of Landsat 8 imagery. RED
            denotes every pixels in the band 4 of Landsat 8 imagery and L denotes the soil
            calibration factor, that usually calculated as 0.5 which indicates the land cover
            is not fully covered by the vegetation [3].

            2.2 Least Median of Squares Regression
                The existance of outliers in linear regression models can be a  problem
            because outliers can cause the formation of regression parameter models to
            be less accurate. Classical least squares regression consists of minimizing the
            sum  of  the  squared  residuals.  Many  authors  have  produced  more  robust
            versions of this estimator by replacing the square by something else, such as
            the  absolute  value  [2].  One  of  the  methods  suggested  to  perform  robust
            regression models is Least Median of Squares (LMS) regression [2]. The LMS
            regression  is  a  different  approach  to  calculate  the  robust  regression  by
            replacing the sum with the median of the squared residuals [2]. This method
            predicts the regression models by minimizing the value of the square errors
            of the ℎ observation. The method is suitable for data with outliers. The LMS
            estimator is defined as follows [2]:

                                   = arg min  ()            (3)

                where   () denotes  the  median  square  of  error  for  ℎ  observation
            (  ). In general, the algorithm for applying the LMS regression method
            can be summarized in the following steps [2]:
             1.  Determine the size of the subset  and the number of subset  according
                 to the number of classes. In this research, we will use four subset that
                 indicates the four land types (impervious, green, water, and soil land.
             2.  We will take the  subset of size  from the -sized example and find the
                 estimated  regression  coefficient    for  each  subset  to  generate  the
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