Page 283 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 283

CPS1857 Nicholas J. et al.

                        Land-Use change detection using least median of
                                        squares regression
                      Nicholas Jovianto, Janson Hendryli, Dyah Erny Herwindiati
                                Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, Indonesia

            This paper proposes a simple least median of squares regression algorithm to
            perform  a  high  performance  computation  for  classifying  land  types  and
            mapping the land-use changes in a certain period of time. The main land-use
            changes  classification  process  is  done  with  a  conventional  two  phase
            processes: training and mapping process. The outcome of the training process
            is the regression model that will be used for classifying the land-use changes.
            The regression model is built from the least median of squares estimator from
            each subset of data. The case study of this research is the Jabodetabek which
            is a metropolitan area consisting of megacities surrounding Jakarta, using the
            Landsat-8  satellite  image  bands  1,  2,  3,  4,  and  5  as  the  input  data.  The
            classification  results  or  the  land  types  consist  of  impervious  and  non-
            impervious land (green land, water, and soil land). The mapping evaluation
            shows that the least median of squares regression is a simple and effective
            method for the land-use changes mapping of the Jabodetabek area.

            Land-use Change;  Impervious; Non-Impervious; Least Median of Squares
            Regression; Outlier.

            1.  Introduction
                Urban development is a process of transferring land functions to meet
            community needs for infrastructure and facilities in the development of the
            city [1]. In the process, urban development often sacrifices the ecological value
            of land to fulfil the needs of human life. This will eventually cause the land to
            experience  a  change  in  function.  Changes  in  land  functions  or  land-use
            changes can be interpreted as changes in the function of all or part of the land
            area  from  its  original function  to  another  function  that can  have  a  certain
            impact on the environment and the potential of the land itself.
                One of the famous megapolitan areas in Indonesia is the Jakarta, Bogor,
            Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) area (Fig. 1). In the Jabodetabek
            area, there have been many changes in land function throughout the year. This
            research is conducted with the aim to observe and determine the pattern of
            land-use change of the Jabodetabek area, especially in the period of 2014 to

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