Page 292 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 292

CPS1863 La Gubu et al.

                              Portfolio selection using cluster analysis and fast
                                minimum covariance determinant estimation
                                  La Gubu , Dedi Rosadi , and Abdurakhman
                           1  Mathematic Department Gadja Mada University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
                             2  Mathematic Department Halu Oleo University, Kendari Indonesia

                  In this paper a robust and efficient portfolio selection method is presented.
                  The  stocks  is  firstly  grouped  into  several  clusters.  Here  in  this  paper,  in
                  particular we apply the hierarchy agglomerative complete linkage clustering
                  method.  After  the  clustering  process,  stocks  are  chosen  to  represent  each
                  cluster to build a portfolio. The selected stocks for each cluster are the stocks
                  which has the best Sharpe ratio. The optimum portfolio is determined using
                  the Fast Minimum Covariance Determinant (FMCD) estimation method. Using
                  this procedure, we may obtain the best portfolio efficiently when there are
                  large number of stocks involved in the formulation of the  portfolio. On the
                  other  hands,  this  procedure  also  robust  against  the  possibility  of  outlier
                  existence  in  the  data.    For  empirical  study,  we  use  the  stocks  from  the
                  Indonesia Stock Exchange, which included in the LQ-45 indexed, contain 45
                  stocks,  which  will  give  relatively  large  portfolio  combination.  The  results
                  showed that after the clustering, LQ-45 stocks can be grouped into 7 groups
                  of stocks. Furthermore, it was also found that portfolio performance built on
                  the  robust  FMCD  estimation  method  was  better  than  the  portfolio
                  performance of the classic MV model for all risk aversion value.

                  Portfolio; Cluster analysis ; FMCD; Markowitz model; Sharpe ratio.

                  1.  Introduction
                      The strategy in utilizing statistical measures from historical return data,
                  namely the mean, variance and covariance, has become a basic principle in the
                  formation of the classic mean-variance (MV) portfolio model by Markowitz
                  (1952). Markowitz proposes a portfolio model that uses the mean and variance
                  of asset returns to express the trade-off between portfolio returns and risks.
                  This  model  is  expressed  as  an  optimization  problem  with  two  conflicting
                  objectives. That is, the expected return on results from the portfolio needs to
                  be maximized, on the other hand, portfolio risk represented by the variance of
                  returns from different assets, needs to be minimized.
                      Various studies have been carried out to solve and develop the Markowitz
                  portfolio  model.  All  of  that  is  done  to  adapt  the  existing  model  to  the
                  conditions  of  financial  market  factors  and  the  demands  of  capital  market
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