Page 293 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 293

CPS1863 La Gubu et al.
            practitioners.  One  of  the  focuses  of  research  in  portfolio  selection  is  the
            efficiency of optimum portfolio selection time. This is understandable because
            the greater the number of securities involved in portfolio selection, the more
            likely the portfolio can be formed. The large number of securities involved in
            portfolio  selection  can  be  tackled  by  grouping  stock  data  using  cluster
            analysis. Cluster analysis is a statistical analysis that aims to separate objects
            into clusters of similar characteristics.
                In the past few years, a lot of research on the portfolios selection has used
            cluster analysis. Guan and Jiang (2007) proposed a portfolio selection method
            using clustering techniques to optimize portfolio selection. Tola et al. (2008)
            proposed a portfolio optimization model based on two clustering techniques,
            namely average lingkage and single lingkage clustering.  Chen and Huang
            (2009) proposed portfolio optimization using clustering techniques and fuzzy
            optimization models. In this approach, clustering techniques are used to group
            stock data into different groups, then a fuzzy optimization model is applied to
            determine the optimal proportion of investment for each cluster. Nanda et al.
            (2010)  investigated  portfolio  selection  models  based  on  the  clustering
            algorithm and the Markowitz model. K-means clustering, fuzzy c-means (FCM)
            techniques, and self organizing maps (SOM) are used to group stock data into
            different  clusters.  Long  et  al.  (2014)  proposed  a  portfolio  selection  model
            based on the FCM clustering algorithm and multi-objective genetic algorithm
            (MOGA).  However,  none  of  the  above  literatures  has  considered  the
            robustness of the methods against the possibility of the outlier existence in
            the data.
                From the literature review, it can be concluded that for the time efficiency
            to make the optimum portfolio, there are three steps that must be done. The
            first  stage  is  to  group  stoks  into  different clusters.  The  second  stage  is  to
            choose  stocks  that  will  form  the  optimum  portfolio.  The  third  stage  is  to
            determine the weight of each stock that forms the optimum portfolio. In this
            paper, as our new contribution, in the third stage we consider Fast Minimum
            Covariance  Determinant  (FMCD)  estimation  method  for  the  mean  and  the
            variance of the data.
                The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we give
            Methodology.  Results  are  given  in  Section  3.  Finally  in  Section  4  we  give
            Discussion and Conclusion.

            2.  Methodology
               Based  on  the  literature  review,  it  can  be  seen  that  portfolio  selection
            problem can be resolved more efficiently by grouping stocks into clusters and
            then  selecting  stocks  in  clusters  to  form  efficient  portfolios.  The  problem
            framework in this study is shown in Figure 1.

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