Page 333 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 333

CPS1876 Sarbojit R. et al.
             2,  yields good performance. In fact, under certain assumptions, we proved
            that ∆ 1 2,  converges to zero as   → ∞.

            3.  Identifying Joint Structures
                In Section 2, we observed that the NN classifier based on  2,  (namely,
             2,  )  can  discriminate  populations  that  have  difference  in  their  one-
            dimensional marginal distributions. But, if the one-dimensional marginals are
            same, gMADD will fail to differentiate between populations. Such scenarios
            impose further challenges on the proposed classifier  2, . Consider two class
                                        (1)      (2)
            classification problems. Let ∑   and ∑   denote the  ×  dispersion matrices
            of the first and second populations F1 and F2, respectively, as follows:

                                                        1      …   

                          ()                         1  …   
                        ∑   =                         and   =        for  = 1,2.
                                      ⋱                        ⋱
                              [           ]        [       …  1 ]

            Here, 1 and 2 are   ×   positive definite matrices with  >  1 = (1  +  )
                                                                (1)       (2)
            (constant  correlation  matrices).  In  other  words,  ∑    and  ∑    are  block
            diagonal positive definite matrices with block size  (a fixed positive integer)
            and the number of blocks is  satisfying   =  . We consider  = 0.3 and
                                                              (1)                  (2)
             = 0.7 as  particular  choices.  Take  ≡  (0 , ∑   ) and  ≡  (0 , ∑   ),
            respectively and consider this as Example 3. Note that  (1)  =  (2)  =   and
             (∑ (1) ) =  (∑ (2) ) = ,  i.e.,   12  = 0  and   =  .  The  usual  NN
            classifier (namely,   and the MADD based NN classifier (namely,  1, ) fails
            to work in this example. Moreover, there is no difference between the marginal
            distributions  of  these  two  populations  as  the  component  variables  are  all
            standard normal.

                a.  Improvements to gMADD
                    In Examples 3, we can observe that the competing populations have
                the  same  one-dimensional  marginal  distributions,  and   2,   does  not
                contain any discriminatory information between the distributions   and
                 .  But,  the  joint  distribution  of  the  individual  groups  of  component
                variables are clearly different for these two populations. This motivates the
                idea  of  capturing  differences  between  the  population  distributions
                through appropriate joint distributions of the groups of components. We
                formalize this idea as follows.
                    Let us write any  × 1 vector  as ( , … ,  ) , where   is a D  × 1
                                                              ⊤ ⊤
                 vector for 1 ≤  ≤ , and ∑    = . Here, the D-dimensional vector 
                 has been partitioned into smaller groups   for 1 ≤  ≤ . For a random
                 vector  = ( , … ,  ) ~ , we denote the distribution of  /√  by 
                                     ⊤ ⊤
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