Page 338 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 338

CPS1878 Zakir H. et al.
                      In this paper, the randomization approach of Brien and Bailey (2006) is
                  used for deriving the variance-covariance matrices of the random effects in a
                  GLMM. It is shown that the random effects are correlated. We then study the
                  impact of misspecification of both the correlation structure and the random
                  effects distribution on the estimated model parameters via simulation studies,
                  which has not been considered in the previous studies.

                  2.  Methodology
                      Let Y be the bt × 1 vector of responses and X be the bt × (t + 1) design
                  matrix for the fixed treatment effects. We then write the GLMM for the RCBD
                  with random blocks in matrix notation as

                                                        ((|, )) =  +  +                                 (1)

                  where   = (µ,  , . . . ,  )  is the (t + 1) × 1 vector of fixed treatment effect
                  parameters, Z is the model matrix of order bt × b corresponding to random
                  block effects, B is the b × 1 vector of random block effects,  is the bt × 1
                  vector of random errors, (|, ) is the conditional expectation, and g is the
                  link function.
                     For  the  RCBD  with  random  blocks,  we  consider  the  randomization  for
                  deriving moments of the random effects which is in line with the approach of
                  Brien  and  Bailey  (2006).  Let  St  and  Sb  be  the  two  symmetric  groups  of
                  permutations  of  the  sets  {1,2, . . . , }  and  {1,2, . . . , } respectively.  The
                  corresponding  randomization  of  b  blocks  and  t  units  within  each  block  is
                  modelled by elements of the wreath product St  ≀ Sb of two symmetric groups
                  St and Sb. In this setup, the symmetric group St represents the randomization
                  of units and Sb stands for the randomization of blocks.
                     We derive from the randomization () = 0 and the variance-covariance
                  matrix () = 0 diag(Q,...,Q)  with  Q  =       ( − 1 1 ) =   ,  where   =
                     ( − 1 1 ) is a matrix of order t×t. We also derive () = 0 and () =
                    2   ( − 1 1 ) =    with the b×b matrix  =  1  ( − 1 1 ). It follows
                  −1                                 −1       
                  that the random blocks and errors are correlated due to randomization.

                  3.  Simulation study and results
                      The  vector of  linear  predictors  η, corresponding  to  a  GLMM  (M1)  with
                  correlated random effects is de ned as
                                           1 ∶    =    +    +  
                  and for a standard GLMM (M2) with uncorrelated random effects as

                                           2 ∶    =    +  +  .

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