Page 31 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 31

CPS1409 Rahma F.
            growth at the fourth quarter of 2017. Industry, trade, agriculture, forestry and
            fishery are the dominant economic sectors in this province, which contribute
            60.24% of the total 2016 GDP (BPS 2017).
                The  province  consists  of  38  regencies/cities.  The  southern  –  western
            region  is  mountainous  area  with  mining  potential,  the  central  part  is
            dominated by fertile volcanic zones and the northern area is less fertile – lower
            region. This geographical condition more or less contributes in shaping the
            economic  activity  of  each  regency/city.  Figure  1  shows  some  clusters  of
            dominant  economic  activity  in  each  regency/city  which  is  similar  to  the
            clusters of the geographical condition.

              Figure 1 The Map of Dominant Economic Activity of Regencies/Cities in East Java

                The spatial pattern indicates that information regarding the location and
            the relative position between regencies/cities must be included in the analysis
            of economic productivity and its driving factors. The inclusion falls within the
            framework of spatial econometrics, using spatial data. When the spatial data
            are  used,  distance  between  pair  of  locations  plays  an  important  part  in
            defining the influential locations, namely the neighbors. It is assumed that two
            neighboring  locations  have  strong  interaction  and  no  or  less  interaction
                Spatial  interaction  can  be  measured  empirically  using  spatial
            autocorrelation. The significance of the spatial autocorrelation is then can be
            tested locally using LISA – local Moran I or local Geary C statistics (Anselin
            1995) and globally using Moran I statistic (Cliff and Ord 1972; Cliff and Ord
            1981). The idea of Moran I statistic is to measured the correlation between
            variable  under  study  in  a  specified  location  and  the  average  of  the
            corresponding  variable  observed  in  its  neighboring  locations.  The  latter  is

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