Page 32 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 32

CPS1409 Rahma F.
                  known as a spatial lag variable, which is defined by attaching a spatial weight
                  matrix to the variable under study.
                      The spatial weight matrix is defined by considering the set of neighboring
                  locations  of  each  location.  The  set  of  locations    which  are  influential  to
                  location  in terms of the variables under study, are defined as the neighbors
                  of . Most of regional studies have used contiguity concept and geographical
                  distance  to  define  the  neighboring  locations.  Some  definitions  of  the
                  neighbors can be found in Arbia (2006). The contiguity concept is based on
                  the  administrative  boundary,  in  which  two  locations  that  share  common
                  administrative  border  are  considered  neighbors.  There  are  two  types  of
                  neighbors  based  on  distance,  the  critical  cut  off  neighbors  and  nearest
                  neighbors. Both use any measure of distance between two locations. Physical
                  distance is generally represented by the Euclidian distance between the central
                  of two locations.
                      Due  to  the  advance  of  transportation  and  communication  technology,
                  economic interaction does not occur only between two adjacent locations.
                  While  in  terms  of  distance,  it  is  not  the  flat  physical  distance  which  is
                  considered in the mobility of goods and labors. The distance in terms of the
                  transportation costs should be taken into account instead (Conley and Ligon
                  2002; Conley and Topa 2002). This concept of distance is defined as “economic
                  distance”.  Conley  and  Ligon  (2002)  show  that  spatial  interaction  of  the
                  economic growth among geographically neighboring countries is less intense
                  than the interaction among “economically” neighboring countries.
                      The weaknesses of the geographical – physical distance concepts motivate
                  this study to use other distance measure which includes the transportation
                  cost to capture the intensity of economic interaction between regencies/cities
                  in East Java. The “economic distance” is used to define the k nearest neighbors
                  for each 38 regencies/cities of East Java. The intensity of the spatial interaction
                  –spatial autocorrelation of economic productivity (GDP) will be tested based
                  on  the  defined  distance.  It  compares  the  significance  of  the  spatial
                  autocorrelation of the GDP among regencies/cities, when the neighbours are
                  defined  by  the  physical  distance  and  the  economic  distance.  The  better
                  distance measure should capture the spatial interaction better in terms of the
                  significance of  the Moran I’s spatial autocorrelation test. Using the chosen
                  distance measure, this study also provides some analysis regarding the nature
                  of the spatial interaction of the economic productivity of East Java. It will be
                  useful for the policy maker to direct the growth in terms of interaction among
                  regencies/cities in this province.

                  2.  Methodology
                      This study is based on regency/city as unit of observation and there are 38
                  regencies/cities in total. 2016 GDP of each regency/city (in thousand Rupiah)

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