Page 33 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 33

CPS1409 Rahma F.
            is used as a proxy for economic productivity. The significance of the spatial
            autocorrelation  of  GDP  among  the  regencies/cities  is  tested  based  on  the
            Moran I index, which can be interpreted as the intercept of the fitted line based
            on the scatter plot between the spatial lagged GDP (Y axis) and the original
            GDP (X axis) (Anselin 1993).
                The spatial lagged of GDP is the product of the n × n spatial weight matrix
            (W) and GDP. W is defined as follows:

                  11 ⁄   11 ⁄  …   1 ⁄
                     1    1       1     11   12  …   1
                  21 ⁄   22 ⁄  …   2 ⁄     21   22  …   2  1, if  and  are neighbors
            W =      2    2       1 = [  ⋮  ⋮     ⋮  ]    = {  0, otherwise

                   1 ⋮   2 ⋮  …    ⋮      1   2  …   
                [  ⁄    ⁄    ⁄   ]

                This  study  first  considers  the  k  nearest  neighbors  to  build  the  spatial
            weight matrix. The concept forms the k locations with shortest distance from
             as a set of neighbors of , for every = 1, ⋯ , n. Two distance measures are
            used, the first one is the physical – geographical Euclidian distance, the second
            one is the economic distance. This study uses the delivery cost per kg, between
            two regencies/cities (based on JNE’s tariff at 2018). This approach is similar to
            the  work of Conley  and  Topa (2002).  The  cheaper  the cost  implies  that  in
            addition  to  the  short  distance  between  the  two  locations,  there  is  a  big
            possibility of intensive economic activity between those regencies/cities.

             Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Euclidian Distance between Regencies/Cities
                                            in East  Java
                                            Average  Standard Deviation  Min    Max
               Geographic Euclidian distance   124.578          68.134    8.058  337.375

             Table 2 Descriptive Statistics of Delivery Cost between Regencies/Cities in East Java
                                        Average  Standard Deviation      Min   Max
               Delivery Cost per kg (Rp)   8896                    3788  4000    32000

                Among 38 regencies and cities, there are 703 pairs of Euclidian distance
            and  economic  distance.  The  distribution  of  each  distance  is  presented  in
            Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively for Euclidian and economic distance. The
            distance between regencies/cities on average is 124.6 km, and the average
            delivery cost between regencies/cities is Rp. 8896. Figure 3 indicate that the
            delivery  cost  is  mainly  Rp  8000.  This  value  is  applied  for  78.8%  pairs  of

                                                                22 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38