Page 388 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 388

CPS1891 Tzee-Ming Huang
                     In summary, for a smooth , a simple knot selection algorithm using equally
                  spaced knots like Method 3 is sufficient for giving a satisfactory estimator .
                  For  with a sharp change, a

                                        Algorithm 1   Method 2    Method 3
                                     1    2.76 × 10    1.75 × 10    8.45 × 10
                                     2    0.00149   0.00113      0.000289
                                     3    2.51 × 10    7.69 × 10    8.53 × 10
                                     4    1.70 × 10    1.86 × 10    2.44 × 10
                            Table 3: Standard deviations of the mean squared errors

                  more flexible knot selection algorithm such as Algorithm 1 or Method 2, is
                  needed. Algorithm 1 is more stable than Method 2.

                 4.  Discussion and conclusion
                     In this article, a knot selection algorithm (Algorithm 1) based on a statistical
                  test  is  proposed.  Based on  the  simulation  results  in  Section  3,  overall,  the
                  performance  of  Algorithm  1  is  satisfactory.  When    has  a  sharp  change,
                  Algorithm 1 outperforms Method 3, which uses equally spaced knots only, and
                  Algorithm 1 sometimes even performs better than Method 2, which allows for
                  more flexible knot selection. This satisfactory result is probably due to the fact
                  that Algorithm 1 is flexible enough to use unequally spaced knots yet not too
                  flexible to allow for arbitrary knot locations, which makes it more stable than
                  a knot estimation method such as Method 2.
                     For future work, a possible direction is to extend Algorithm 1 to the case
                  where    is  multi-variate  and  tensor  basis  functions  are  used.  Given  that
                  Algorithm 1 does not require searching for best knot locations, it is expected
                  that the extension to the multivariate case is feasible.

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